Online Features

U.S. Supreme Court Rules Against Workers’ Health

It was an extraordinarily irrational and reactionary ruling by one of the most undemocratic and authoritarian institutions of our society, one that puts the power of capital ahead of the health of workers.

Biden’s Speech on January 6 Insurrection and the Growth of America’s Far Right

But the rise of rightwing politics and authoritarianism and of armed groups preparing for violent action is an even greater problem than Biden’s speech suggests and neither mainstream Democrats, nor progressives, nor the left, seems to have a strategy to stop the rise of the right.

Education Reforms and Capitalism’s Changes to Work: Lessons for the Left

[PDF][Print][Editor’s note: An archived version of the event can be seen here:]
Join us January 20, 7:30pm (Eastern) to discuss what we need to learn and do to resist changes capitalism has made to labor and . . .

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Bolivia Update: Arce’s First Year

[PDF][Print]In October and November of 2019, clashes over the validity of presidential elections in Bolivia led to protests and the eventual ouster of the leftist Indigenous president Evo Morales, in what most observers characterized as a . . .

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The United States and Russia Struggle over Ukraine. War on the Horizon?

Both U.S. President Joseph Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin have invoked their nations’ imperial histories and current ambitions, using the Ukraine as the occasion to reassert their claims to dominate Eastern Europe.

Education Reforms and Capitalism’s Changes to Work

Join us for a webinar Jan. 20, 2022, 7:30 pm (EST) as Lois Weiner and teacher union activists discuss how the revived attacks on teachers and their unions reflect capitalism’s chilling alteration of work. Details will be posted shortly.

Was there a Revolutionary Social Democracy?

Samuel Farber reviews Eric Blanc’s Revolutionary Social Democracy. Working Class Politics Across the Russian Empire (1882-1917), a book that is likely to become the focus of important debate on the left.

Black Freedom & Land Insecurity in Baltimore

The time is now and never has it been more urgent for Black and Brown communities to own the land, produce their own food, and create wealth that circulates back into their communities.

Increased U.S. Military Spending Means More Militarism, Imperialism, and War

The U.S. Congress is completely divided, Republicans versus Democrats. Except when it comes to the military. Bills for working people can’t be passed. But there’s always money for the generals and the arms-makers.

Liberals Look To Weingarten, Again, To Betray Teachers, Parents, and Students

Randi Weingarten, President of the American Federation of Teachers, is once again doing the work of big money.

Michael Hirsch: In Memoriam

The cause of socialist democracy lost a giant last week with the death of Michael Hirsch, a comrade with family roots in the Jewish working class of New York City as well as in the global youth radicalization of the 1960s.

When Push Came to Shove

New Politics editorial board member Michael Hirsch (1945-2021) was a young radical when he came into contact with the journal’s founding editors, Phyllis and Julius Jacobson. The first of his many articles for it appeared in Spring 1970.

Help Afghan Women. Do Not Recognize the Taliban Government.

An Interview with a representative of RAWA inside Afghanistan

An Interview with a representative of RAWA inside Afghanistan

Where Are We on Thanksgiving Day in America?

I give thanks that there’s a chance that in the coming year we can begin to build a mass working class movement and an independent working-class political party.

U.S. Strikes of 2021 in Context : What’s Happening and Why?

[PDF][Print]By now you will have read about the strikes of 2021. For one thing, there are more of them, some in industries where we haven’t seen many strikes for a while like retail, entertainment, or major . . .

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The Two Souls of Aplutsoc

John Barzman responds to Aplutsoc’s criticisms of his interview with New Politics about social resistance to the French health pass.

Social Resistance to the Health Pass

Continuing debate about the health pass and social resistance in France: The editorial board of Aplutsoc responds to New Politics’ coverage.

Tenure is the Easy Target but the Wrong One

The attacks on tenure are really just part of an orchestrated attempt to lower labor standards by decreasing job security for workers across the board while weakening higher education.

The Suicidal Democracy

House of Cards Being Blown Apart

The Freedom in the World 2021 report has unveiled 2020 to be the 15th consecutive year of decline in democracy across the world.

Verdict in Rittenhouse Vigilante Trial Leads to Protest by Left and Jubilation on Right

The Rittenhouse verdict has encouraged and emboldened America’s fascists—and they are taking advantage of it.

The “Striketober” Debate in America

Throughout October and November, the media and especially the Left have been reporting what they called a “strike wave.” Is there one?
