Education Reforms and Capitalism’s Changes to Work: Lessons for the Left


[Editor’s note: An archived version of the event can be seen here:]

Join us January 20, 7:30pm (Eastern) to discuss what we need to learn and do to resist changes capitalism has made to labor and schools since Trump’s election and the pandemic.  A panel of working teacher union activists and audience members will join Lois Weiner, longtime New Politics contributor and editorial board member, to discuss ideas in the first chapter of her new book, now available on the New Politics website.

Panelists include

*Tia Edison, Academic Instructional Coach in Jefferson County Public School (Kentucky) who chairs the teachers union local’s Black Caucus.

* Natasha Carlsen, a special education teacher in Chicago, Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) special education committee co-chair, a CTU Executive Board Functional Vice President, and a member of the  CORE (Caucus of Rank and File Educators) steering.

* Lourdes Torres, a high school teacher in Puerto Rico and  member of the Federación de Maestros de Puerto Rico (FMPR).

* Daniel “Herm” Jerome, a teacher at Maker Academy in New York, a steering member of the United Federation of Teachers (UFT) Movement for Rank and File Educators, (MORE), and a founding member of the New York Collective of radical Educators (NYCoRE) and Teachers Unite.

Co-sponsored by New Politics, Badass Teachers Association, Haymarket Books, Tempest Collective

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2 comments on “Education Reforms and Capitalism’s Changes to Work: Lessons for the Left
  1. BringBackPluto says:

    Is there a video available online for those who weren’t able to attend?

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