Online Features

Ecology, Democracy and Development: Capitalist Crises and Covid-19

For the past four months Covid-19 has revealed the contradictions and unsustainability of global capitalism perhaps in a manner that no other single phenomenon has ever done in history.

The American Working Class on Unfamiliar and Dangerous Terrain: A Fightback Begins

The pandemic and the shutdown have taken a toll, but they now provide an opportunity to rebuild the American labor movement from the bottom up.

Socialists Must Fight to Defund the Police

The murder of George Floyd by police has sparked protest and outrage across the country. Emma Caterine writes on how socialists can connect the movement against racist police violence to a broad socialist program through the struggle to defund the police.

The New Deal Against the Environmentalists

Not only was the “greenest” of the original New Deal programs not established by nascent environmentalists, it was also internally fractured by their influence.

Racist Police Murder of George Floyd Leads to National Rebellion

[PDF][Print]This article was written for L’Anticapitaliste, the weekly newspaper of the New Anticapitalist Party (NPA) of France. 
The video recording of the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis on May 25, a black man strangled to death . . .

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In Honor of George Floyd – Thoughts in the Aftermath of the Brooklyn Protest

The Black liberation struggle is once again ripping open the pandora’s box of American capitalism. This rebellion is exposing the brutal, sick and twisted priorities of American capitalism to the entire world.

Cornel West: America Is A Failed Social Experiment

“We’ve reached a point now a choice between nonviolent revolution — and by revolution what I mean is the democratic sharing of power, resources, wealth and respect…[or] if we don’t get that kind of sharing you’re going to get more violent explosions.”

Cuban Doctors Abroad – Appearances and Realities

It is important to bring out lesser known aspects of the Cuban doctors abroad program that expose the Cuban state’s undemocratic character and the impact that this has on the Cuban people.

On the World Economic Crisis

Eric Toussaint interviewed by Dan La Botz

Eric Toussaint discusses the origins and character of the current economic crisis and working class responses.

From Detroit to Minneapolis: Police Brutality is Key to Containing Revolutionary Possibilities

An exclusive excerpt from A People's History of Detroit.

An exclusive excerpt from A People’s History of Detroit

To Make Our Cities Green, We Must First Paint Them Red

There’s no question that the city will be dramatically reshaped in the coming years. Now we must ask, in the Lefebvrian tradition: Does everyone share in the benefits of this reshaping? Does the urban working class control the process?

Ten Aphorisms on Capitalism, Covid-19, and the Climate Crisis

The climate crisis, and by extension, the COVID-19 crisis, is a prolonged act of violence perpetrated on the 99% by capitalism’s accumulation for accumulation’s sake.

Can We Save the Postal Service?

The U.S. Postal Service is in deep trouble. The postal Board of Governors has asked Congress for $75 billion to keep the agency afloat; without it, the outgoing Postmaster General said, USPS could “run out of cash” by September.

Trump Forever? He May Try

In the midst of the worst pandemic in U.S. history and what may be a Second Great Depression worse than the first, President Donald J. Trump’s chief concern is reelection to the presidency in November.

Where Do We Stand? Reasons for Optimism

In 2008-9 a common slogan was “The banks got bailed out. We got sold out!” This populist attitude has persisted since then and re-emerged even more strongly in this Crisis.

Debating Green Electoral Strategy

“We’ll definitely have more leverage over Biden, if we get a substantial vote, than over Trump, no doubt about that. But look, whoever’s in there, we got to have mass movements that aren’t tied to either party.”

“The situation is very disgraceful for all” – An Interview with Omar Vázquez Heredia

The quarantine has sharpened the hunger ailing the Venezuelan people, as evidenced by the latest report of the UN World Food Program, and this has produced food riots. This is troubling because it further shows the despair of the working class over the level of misery it is enduring.

Class Struggle and Social Protest in the Coronavirus Pandemic

The pandemic and the shutdown have taken a toll, but they now provide an opportunity to rebuild the American labor movement from the bottom up. While the challenges will be great, working class resistance is growing and socialists with a rank-and-file strategy and class struggle perspective are involved in the fight.

A Mon Valley Memoir: Lessons From The Last Stand Of Steelworkers in Homestead

In his lively new memoir, Stout argues that younger activists still have much to learn from past rank-and-file struggles in blue-collar industries even if they are now entering workplaces in “a neo-liberal world.”

Socialist Organizing in the Era of COVID-19

A socialist movement is being revived, and people are watching in real time how the capitalist system drives their lives into chaos again and again.

Men in the (Indian) Sun

On 1 May 2020, which was International Worker’s Day, 18 Indian migrant workers boarded and hid in a cement mixer which was carrying them from Mumbai to Uttar Pradesh.
