Online Features

The Hunger of Vibrant Matter: Materialism and Food in the Pandemic

The fundamental contradiction between production for exchange (profit) versus production for use (need) is the source not only of intermittent food deprivation, but of chronic and acute, life-threatening hunger for hundreds of millions of people worldwide.

Trump’s Campaign Stumbling, Biden Rising, Still Danger of a Coup Attempt—Coronavirus Surges, Economy Stagnant, Armed Groups Plot Insurrection

We are now three weeks from the U.S. presidential election as the country sees a worsening of the pandemic, a continued economic crisis, threats of armed violence from the right, and an increasingly erratic President Donald Trump.

Don’t Support Biden, Even Against Trump

We have come to this miserable state of affairs in large part because the left has failed to create an alternative to “lesser evils” who, along with the greater evils, have devastated lives and imperiled the planet.

Voter Suppression, Democratic Party Style

“By kicking Howie and Angela off the ballot in Wisconsin and then publicly celebrating this naked act of self-serving disenfranchisement, the Democrats have made plain their intention to ‘save democracy from Trump’ by killing it themselves first and then dancing on the grave.”

Don’t Hope for a Biden Pick, Dream of Abolishing the Supreme Court

Yes, we must abolish the Supreme Court because it is the antithesis of democratic decision-making. AND, right now, we need to organize to stop Trump’s nomination of a super-villain for a lifetime appointment on the highest judicial body.

Trump Contracts COVID, Aides Also Sick, His Campaign in Crisis

Early reactions to these events suggest that they will contribute to the continued downward spiral of Trump’s campaign, which has been losing support because of his poor handling of the pandemic. But it is too early to say for sure what the effect will be.

Bolivia: Amid new crisis, coup government seeks to divide spoils, impunity

Just weeks out from the October 18 elections, Bolivia’s coup government is again in crisis following the departure of three key ministers over an unconstitutional attempt to privatise an electricity company.

Trump Refuses to Promise a Peaceful Transfer of Power Should He Lose

Almost any scenario we can imagine might well lead to armed conflicts in American streets between Trump’s supporters and his opponents on a scale much larger and more violent than anything we’ve seen so far.

Hearts on Fire for the 43  

On the sixth anniversary of the forced disappearance of the 43 Ayoztinapa college students, a flurry of developments is spurring optimism among long traumatized relatives of the students and their dedicated core of supporters.

Why I’m for Voting For Biden and Urge You To Do So

For the first time in my life, in fifty years of voting in America, I am voting for a Democratic Party presidential candidate and urge others to do so as well.

The greater evil

A response to Charlie Post and Ashley Smith

Stephen R. Shalom criticizes the arguments against lesser-evil voting and makes the case for the Left both to support Biden and build the social movements.

Pandemic, Polarization, and Resistance in the US; an Interview with Ashley Smith

This interview of Ashley Smith was conducted by Joseph Daher for the newspaper of the Swiss socialist party Solidarités, and the French leftwing website, Contretemps. 

A Letter to the Progressive International

When a new “Progressive International” invited Syria’s Yassin al-Haj Saleh to join, he was happy to accept. When he then submitted this letter for their publication, they ceased contacting him without explanation.

The Me Too Movement in Iran: What Is New About It? What Can It Learn From Abolitionist Feminism in U.S.?

Thousands of women and some men have started to speak publicly on social media about their experiences of sexual harassment, abuse, assault and rape.

Mexico’s AMLO Is No Leftist, as His Handling of Covid Demonstrates

Not only is AMLO’s government not socialist, it is not democratic, it is not competent, and it is not socially responsible. AMLO is a populist with a leftist image and rightist policies.

Economics for the People

“A People’s Guide to Capitalism is a tremendous contribution to the understanding of economics today, and more importantly how we can get rid of capitalism.” Steve Leigh reviews a new book by Hadas Thier.

Abortion Clinic Defense: A Testimony

Pro-lifers tear down women. All of us. Even their own. They call themselves pro-life, but they’re really just pro-control. They care nothing for quality of life outside the womb. They would rather stand between a person seeking health care and reproductive justice than stand between a bulldozer and a tent that is someone’s home.

Joe Allen’s ‘Package King’ Delivers a Modern History of the Essential Worker

Danny Katch reviews Joe Allen’s “The Package King: A Rank-And-File History of UPS,” on the century-long fight of UPS workers to wrest a livable job out of a company that treats them as machinery and to organize within a union that too often has treated them as a dues-paying cash machine.

World Congress in Defense of Public Education, Sept 26-27

The following invitation to participate in the First World Congress in Defense of Public Education and Against Educational Neoliberalism was written by a broad coalition of educators in Latin America and Europe.

Presidential Election Amidst Conflagration and Coronavirus

Remarkably polls show that Trump core supporters—about 40 percent of voters—have not been moved by either his handling of the coronavirus or his remarks about the military. Independent voters, however, may be turning from Trump.

Lysenko Comes to the CDC: Exploring the Relationship Between Science and Politics

The specter of Lysenko is haunting the CDC and the entire Trump administration, revealing that the perversion of science is as likely in a capitalist democracy as it is in a Stalinist state, and always with dire consequences.
