Author: Stephen R. Shalom

STEPHEN R. SHALOM is on the editorial board of New Politics.

The Election and Left Responsibility

Stephen R. Shalom argues that it is moral responsibility for leftists in swing states to vote for the Democratic candidate in the upcoming election.

Shawn Fain for VP!

The outside-the-box choice for VP.

I’m a longtime NJ peace activist — and I support Ukraine

An op-ed calling for solidarity with the Ukrainian struggle for self-defense

DSA and Russia’s War on Ukraine: Toward a Mass Movement of Solidarity with Ukraine

A critique of the DSA International Committee’s stance on Ukraine

Ukraine: “Which Peace Are We Talking About?” An Interview with Gilbert Achcar

Achcar clarifies and expands his argument on the position the left should take on peace in Ukraine

Interview on the War in Ukraine with Noam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky replies to some questions regarding his views on the Ukraine war.

21st Century Revolution

A review of activist Ted Glick’s case for a better world, based on higher love, racial justice, and democratic cooperation

Ukraine and the Dangers of Nuclear War

Should we oppose arms to Ukraine because of the risks of nuclear war?


It is urgent to end the war in Ukraine. But to achieve this goal,

Why the peace movement should support Ukraine

Why the Left Must Support Arms for Ukraine!

A response to Branko Marcetic’s argument against weapons for Ukraine

What the DSA International Committee’s Ukraine Statement Gets Wrong

The DSA International Committee statement on Ukraine rightly criticizes NATO but is silent on Russia’s role in the current crisis

Once More on the Greater Evil

Stephen R. Shalom replies again on the question of voting for the lesser evil to defeat Trump.

The greater evil

A response to Charlie Post and Ashley Smith

Stephen R. Shalom criticizes the arguments against lesser-evil voting and makes the case for the Left both to support Biden and build the social movements.

The Obliteration of Hiroshima

The moral case against the atomic bombing of Hiroshima.

Some Reflections on Sortition

That capitalism needs to be replaced is obvious. We need a system that values human needs, rather than profits, that lets people control their own lives, rather than being dominated by tyrants or by capital. But what should . . .

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Why I'm Not Voting Green in New Jersey

ImageThe case for voting for Green candidate Howie Hawkins for governor of New York is a strong one and were I a New Yorker (I live in New Jersey), I would do so.

Hard Questions in Israel-Palestine

ImageJamie Stern-Weiner, ed. Moment of Truth: Tackling Israel-Palestine's Tought Questions. OR Books, 2018. 518 pp. 

The fact that, after fifty years of Palestinian support efforts, the Israeli occupation is more entrenched than ever should inspire some intellectual humility among those hawking solutions to the conflict, notes Jamie Stern-Weiner in the introduction to his edited collection Moment of Truth: Tackling Israel-Palestine’s Toughest Questions. It is humbling as well to read through the volume, with more than seventy essays and rejoinders by more than fifty different authors, from almost every one of which something new can be learned.

A Litmus Test for Detecting Syria Trolls


The situation in Syria is incredibly complex, so it’s not surprising that there are conflicting interpretations of different pieces of information. But, sometimes, a claim is so clearly without merit, so obviously ludicrous, that those who promote it mark themselves, at best, as individuals wholly uninterested in examining evidence when a dubious claim conforms to their preconceived notions, or, at worst, as scoundrels.

How to Legalize Marijuana in New Jersey


The victory of Democrat Phil Murphy in the New Jersey gubernatorial election this past November makes it quite likely that recreational marijuana will be legalized in the Garden State. Public opinion in the state has clearly been ready for a change in the drug war model of prohibition – with even Murphy’s Republican opponent having called for decriminalization.

Looking Back at the June 1967 Middle East War


JUNE 2017 IS THE FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY of the 1967 Middle East War—the June War or, as Israelis like to call it, the Six Day War.

Why should we care today about this historical event? For one, the war—with its resulting conquests, refugees, and shifting alliances—helped define the modern Middle East and make it one of the world’s great flash points for further conflict. But there are other reasons as well why this war bears re-examination.

Russia and the Left


What explains the enthusiasm in certain quarters of the left for Vladimir Putin and Russia?
