Online Features

Appeal from Ukrainian socialists of Social Movement.

WE CALL on socialists around the world to go to the streets and demand an end to Russian aggression in Ukraine,

Sharing the Shame: A Letter from Internationalists in China

[PDF][Print]The Chinese state and social media platforms have been censoring some of the content critical of the Russian invasion of Ukraine (although this has been inconsistent, as the state itself has yet to take a clear . . .

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Interview with Witalij Machinko, Workers’ Solidarity Union (Trudowa Solidarnist, Kiev)

[PDF][Print]IndustriALL Global Union poster
Interview with Witalij Machinko, Workers’ Solidarity Union (Trudowa Solidarnist, Kiev)
Interview by Ignacy Jóźwiak, from the Polish trade union OZZ-IP, member of the International Trade Union Network of Solidarity and Struggles.
Vitaly, first of all, . . .

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New York State Nurses Association Statement on Ukraine

YSNA is in solidarity with the people of Ukraine and the Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Ukraine in calling for an immediate withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine and a peaceful, diplomatic solution to this international crisis.

SUD-Rail and Solidaires demand free transport for refugees from Ukraine!

It is therefore necessary to implement rapid, concrete and massive assistance to facilitate the transport of these people throughout Europe, to their reception centers or their families; it is an imperative of dignity and solidarity.

Russian and Ukrainian Anarchists Speak Out

We will never take the side of this or that state, our flag is black, we are against borders and freeloader presidents. We are against wars and killings of civilians.

Communique on Ukraine Situation

With regard to all the above, the Confederation of Labor of Russia expresses its belief in the need for the cessation of military action, as rapidly as possible, and the renewal of peaceful dialogue and coexistence between the multinational peoples of Russia and Ukraine.

Resolution of the Anti-War Round Table of the Left forces

We condemn Russian President Vladimir Putin’s decision to invade Ukraine,

Stop the War! An Appeal for a Europe of Peace

transform! europe condemns the attack that Russia, under the governance of Vladimir Putin, has launched upon Ukraine.

Against war – for international workers’ solidarity!

In view of the Russian troops’ invasion on Ukraine, the National Committee of the OZZIP wishes to express its solidarity with Ukrainian civilians, Ukrainian trade unions and Ukrainian citizens living and working in Poland.

Statement from Arab and Middle Eastern Journalists Association on Ukraine

The Arab and Middle Eastern Journalists Association (AMEJA) calls on all news organizations to be mindful of implicit and explicit bias in their coverage of war in Ukraine.

Canadian Truckers Protests Show Strength of Trumpism North of Border

The convoy represents a significant movement by the country’ growing far right, one that parallels and is influenced by right-wingers South of their border led by Donald Trump.

What the DSA International Committee’s Ukraine Statement Gets Wrong

The DSA International Committee statement on Ukraine rightly criticizes NATO but is silent on Russia’s role in the current crisis

Biden Sends Troops to Eastern Europe – Step Towards War?

U.S. President Joseph Biden has begun to send small numbers of U.S. troops to Eastern European nations—some 8,500 altogether have been put on high alert—though none will go to Ukraine, which is not a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Is this a first step toward war?

Reply to Eric Blanc’s “Can Leninists Explain the Russian Revolution?: A Reply to Sam Farber”

If the main strategic task for the American Left is to change the existing relation of forces in society, Congress cannot be the main arena of struggle.

Can Leninists Explain the Russian Revolution?

A Reply to Sam Farber

Learning the right lessons from the Russian Revolution is one way socialists today can start to more critically, and more effectively, develop strategies and tactics appropriate to the actual contexts in which we find ourselves.

Biden and the Democrats Face Potential Disaster; Sanders Calls for a New Course

Today, despite a strong start in his first few months, Biden finds himself and his party failing on every front, opening up the prospect of a Republican victory in the mid-term elections for House and Senate on November 8 this year.

Left Antisemitism and Consistent Democracy

A Reply to Daniel Fischer

Daniel Randall responds to Daniel Fischer’s review of his book Confronting Antisemitism on the Left: Arguments for Socialists.

Overcoming Left Antisemitism

An Anti-Zionist’s Review of Confronting Antisemitism on the Left

Left antisemitism is all too real, has especially strong roots in Stalinism, and functions as a dangerous frame for conspiratorial thinking.

Mike Parker: Socialist, Labor Educator, Political Activist – 1940-2022

Mike Parker spent his entire adult life engaged in movements and organizations that he believed would advance the struggle for the creation of a democratic socialist society.

Political Change and Continuity in the Dominican Republic

As the Dominican elite consolidates its power under President Abinader and continues its relentless attacks on the working class, the revolutionary left must unite to organize workers regardless of national origin.
