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Comment on “Popular Rebellion & Imperialist designs”

The anthropologist and activist David Graeber died earlier this week. Here, we repost remarks that he made in response to Gilbert Achcar at the time of the NATO bombing of Libya in 2011, as a testament to Graeber’s political commitments and acumen.

Pandemic as Portal? The Fight Around School Reopening

As teachers across the country prepare to return to school, the familiar apprehension that comes with starting a school new year feels drowned out by the uncertainty created by state and district leaders due to the Covid-19 pandemic crisis.

On the 80th Anniversary of Trotsky’s Assassination—What If He Had Lived?

In my counter-historical novel Trotsky in Tijuana, being published on the anniversary of his assassination eighty years ago, I attempt to understand Trotsky the man and the political leader by projecting his life into a future he did not live to see.

The Student Uprising That Ushered In the Radical Sixties: The Berkeley Free Speech Movement

The current mass upheaval has reached a scale not seen in this country since the 1960s. So it is timely that Haymarket Books has republished an account of a key revolt in that fabled decade – the 1964 Free Speech Movement at the University of California at Berkeley.

Partisans or Workers? Figures of Belarusian Protest and Their Prospects

This week’s protests in Belarus have clearly overcome their initial electoral focus and morphed into an expanding dissident movement of the urban middle class and workers.

A statement from left-wing collective Ta’amim al-Masaref in Lebanon: ‘It is time for rage’

The August 4 blast is an immediate and irreversible ramification of the ruling class’ deliberate dispensability of the masses. The capitalist, neoliberal system was built at our expense, and always – without exception – seeks to serve the interests of the ruling class.

A Life in the Shadow of the Bomb

I am a child of the atomic age. The atomic bomb, that is, the threat of nuclear war and mass destruction, has been in my consciousness—sometimes in the background but frequently in the foreground—nearly all of my life.

Puerto Rico Faces Crises: COVID, Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Drought

The United States has suffered 135,000 deaths from COVID-19 and has tens of millions of unemployed and both crises continue now into the fifth month, but nowhere has the economic crisis been greater than in the U.S. colony of Puerto Rico.

From the Editors

Even though it is only half over, 2020 has already proved to be one of the most tumultuous—and inspiring—years in recent political history. It has been a year of dramatic swings backwards and forwards, with hope giving way to despair, . . .

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Protests Against Racism; LBGTQ Pride; Continuing Crisis; Trump’s Decline

Throughout June hundreds of thousands of Americans in hundreds of cities and towns protested the killing of George Floyd who had been murdered by police in Minneapolis. But there were also LGBTQ Pride Marches in support of the protests against racism.

Racist Police Murder of George Floyd Leads to National Rebellion

This article was written for L’Anticapitaliste, the weekly newspaper of the New Anticapitalist Party (NPA) of France. 
The video recording of the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis on May 25, a black man strangled to death by a white police . . .

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On the World Economic Crisis

Eric Toussaint interviewed by Dan La Botz

Eric Toussaint discusses the origins and character of the current economic crisis and working class responses.

Revolution in the Twenty-First Century: A Reconsideration of Marxism

Leftists must tolerate disagreements and work together—must even work with left-liberals—because a worldwide transition between modes of production takes an inordinately long time and takes place on many different levels.

In Memoriam: Neil Davidson (1957-2020)

It is with great regret that we report the death earlier today of the Marxist writer and activist Neil Davidson at the age of 62.

Trump Puts Business before Health as Country Reopens

President Donald Trump has now announced a three-phase plan for reopening the country, though many medical experts have expressed doubts and 81 percent of Americans believe we should not reopen until it is safe to do so. Putting profits ahead of people, Trump puts the entire country at risk.

In Defense of Bhaskar Sunkara of Jacobin

Peter Dreier’s vicious attack on Bhaskar Sunkara in The Nation is an embarrassment to that publication. The Nation editors should be ashamed of having allowed Dreier to lambast the editor of Jacobin in such a venomous piece because Sunkara said he would vote for presidential candidate . . .

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Lashed by the Storm

This article was written for L’Anticapitaliste, the biweekly newspaper of the New Anticapitalist Party (NPA) of France.

The Coronavirus Strikes and their Significance, So Far

Across the United States we are seeing workers walk off the job in wildcat strikes in response to the employers’ failure either to shut down the workplace or to make it safe. The strikes are too few to call them . . .

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The Storm Is Now Upon Us

This article was written for L’Anticapitaliste, the weekly newspaper of the New Anticapitalist Party (NPA) of France.
Like the front edge of a furious storm, the coronavirus pandemic has reached and begun to ravage the United States, which now has the . . .

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Puerto Rican Educators: Fighting for Health and Safety in the Face of Covid-19

Barricades block the entrance to the Governor’s mansion known as La Fortaleza in San Juan, Puerto Rico on March 18, 2020. – On Sunday March 15, Puerto Rico’s Governor Wanda Vazquez imposed a curfew and ordered the shutdown of most . . .

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The American Working Class, Coronavirus, and the Recession

This article was originally written for Viento Sur, a political magazine published in the Spanish state.
