Online Features

Solidarity with Iraq Popular Protests: Statement from Alliance of MENA Socialists

The demands for social justice and economic redistribution against the neoliberal destructive policies cannot be dissociated from the opposition to the sectarian political system. The overwhelming majority of protesters continue to denounce the Islamization and sectarianization of social and political life.

Syria, Refugees and Solidarity

[PDF][Print]The recent Turkish offensive on north-eastern Syria and US withdrawal of troops from the region is unleashing yet another humanitarian catastrophe of epic proportions.
In the past few days over 130,000 Syrians have fled for their lives, . . .

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Declaration of Solidarity With the Kurds and People in Resistance in Northern Syria

[PDF][Print]In response to the U.S. troop withdrawal from Syria, decided by the President Donald Trump and his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, and in anticipation of the impending military attack of the free people in Rojava . . .

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Global Economic Volatility and Sociopolitical Reactions

Trade and currency wars, financial volatility and economic turbulence are now the most important features of the world economy.

The elements of a new international financial crisis are in place. Although we do not know when it . . .

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Education Workers in Chicago Are Challenging the U.S. Ruling Class

[PDF][Print]Though the media is casting the strike of education workers in the Chicago Public Schools as (just) another episode in the wave of teachers’ strikes, and the press in Chicago is doing its best to defeat . . .

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We Should Critique the NBA as a Cultural Product

[PDF][Print]In an interview with the New Yorker this past June, former National Basketball Association (“NBA”) player Jalen Rose criticized the NBA’s ‘data analytics movement’ for how it incentivizes organizations to “funnel jobs” to people with advanced . . .

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The Irishman Cometh: Teamster History Hits the Big Screen (Again)

[PDF][Print]When I was working with the Teamster reform movement forty years ago, truck drivers concerned about union corruption had to proceed warily.
In the late 1970s, too many affiliates of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) were . . .

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Support Rojava Against the Erdogan-Trump Unholy Alliance to Crush the Kurds!

[PDF][Print]On October 9, Turkish armed forces began bombarding Rojava, the autonomous self-governing Kurdish enclave in northern Syria and are poised to cross over with ground troops as well. This attempt to wipe Rojava off the map . . .

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On Gutter Journalism and Purported “Anti-Imperialism”

[PDF][Print]Gutter journalism is unfortunately not the preserve of openly right-wing tabloids. There has existed since the advent of Stalinism a “left-wing” strand of public mudslinging: Zhdanov was the counterpart of Goebbels. The Stalinist slander apparatus originally . . .

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Ecuadoran Women Protest Government’s Economic Policies and Repression

[PDF][Print]We, the women who resist – in the streets, in our territories, from our spaces and communities – we are the feminist sisters from Abya Yala, those who combat with our bodies, and sustain life; We . . .

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The Future of Black Leadership

[PDF][Print]What is the future of black leadership? In the wake of the Movement for Black Lives on the one hand and the “election” of Donald Trump (and the forthcoming presidential election) on the other, a range . . .

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The Class Struggle and the Yellow Vests: Where Are We Headed?

[PDF][Print]We have never seen so many upheavals in so few years in France.
Society has been turned completely upside down in a way that is totally unprecedented. The social programs won after the Second World War have . . .

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On Socialist Electoral Strategy

[PDF][Print]Much has been made of a supposed leftward shift in the Democratic Party over the last three years. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, and Rashida Tlaib, four new Democratic congresswomen known as “the Squad,” began . . .

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Dear Liberals, Greta Thunberg is Talking to You!

[PDF][Print]When 16-year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg ascended to the helm of climate politics, the American right naturally assumed that her words were leveraged at them. And who could blame them? As the only major group of . . .

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Neither the Establishment Nor its Money Can Oust Trump in 2020

[PDF][Print]With Democratic primary campaigns in full-swing and the 2020 election just over a year away, I thought I’d take a look at some of the reports on available data that could shed light on the motives . . .

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Bulls-Eye: Why Democracy by Lottery is Right for DSA

[PDF][Print]In his analysis of the procedural shortcomings at the Democratic Socialists of America’s national convention, Andrew Sernatinger calls for the organization to imagine “a theory of democracy beyond voting.” Democracy is a “moving target,” he notes, . . .

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Palestinians in Israel at the Polls

[PDF][Print]Who could have missed Ayman Odeh’s eloquent op-ed piece in the New York Times, where he rightly asserted that “Arab-Palestinian citizens have chosen to reject Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, his politics of fear and hate, and . . .

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One Member/One Vote: CA Health Care Workers Show How To Endorse, Democratically

[PDF][Print]At the national, state, and even local level, union political endorsements are often made with insufficient membership involvement.
Union leaders and legislative/political directors like to get their favorite candidates endorsed, without too much debate or discussion.
Instead of . . .

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An Open Letter to the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)

[PDF][Print]In Resolution 62 of the Atlanta Convention of DSA you asserted your support for the Cuban government and condemned the U.S. policy of economic sanctions on that country.
I who write to you, a Cuban formed in . . .

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Sunday September 22: Livestream International Labor Solidarity Dialogue

Facebook Livestream Dialogue between Chinese, Algerian, Sudanese, Iranian, Venezuelan and U.S. Labor Activists on International Labor Solidarity.

Global Warming, “Grass” Farming and a Planned Economy

[PDF][Print]As the Global Climate Strike date (Sept. 20) approaches, the question that will be on the minds of millions will be: “Is there a possible way to avoid a disaster that could threaten the existence of . . .

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