Online Features

Why we should be wary of blaming ‘overpopulation’ for the climate crisis

[PDF][Print]The annual World Economic Forum in Davos brought together representatives from government and business to deliberate how to solve the worsening climate and ecological crisis. The meeting came just as devastating bush fires were abating in Australia. These fires are . . .

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What is New About State Capitalism in the 21st Century?

For much of the left, since the 1980s, neoliberalism has been an all-encompassing term to identify the character of contemporary capitalism. Neoliberalism has been defined as the privatization of public property and services, deregulation, free market trade and globalization.

Nine Years Against Assad

As Bashar al-Assad brutally crushes the last areas not under his control, Joseph Daher, Syrian socialist activist, gave this wide-ranging interview to the UK-based journal Socialist Resistance.

A Brief on the Metal Workers’ Strike in Turkey

[PDF][Print]Dear Friends,
Dear Comrades,
First of all, let us thank you at the beginning and once again, for your show of solidarity with the metal workers of Turkey.
The bargaining process which covered more than a hundred thousand workers . . .

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What are the Lessons of the UK Election?

[PDF][Print]There have been many articles attempting to explain the crushing defeat of the Labour Party in the UK election of 12 December 2019. Some of them are very insightful, and list reasons that undoubtedly played a . . .

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13 theses on the imminent ecological catastrophe and the (revolutionary) means of averting it

I. The ecological crisis is already the most important social and political question of the 21st century, and will become even more so in the coming months and years. The future of the planet, and thus of humanity, . . .

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“Politics Isn’t Poker”: A Response to Andy Sernatinger on DSA and Bernie Sanders

[PDF][Print]Andy Sernatinger’s New Politics article “Bern After Reading: Sanders and Socialist Strategy” raises important questions to think through, whether you’re a member of Democratic Socialists of America or not. Even in the heat of the moment—and . . .

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Philly Educators Have a Chance to Make History

[PDF][Print]Members of the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers (PFT) have a chance to improve lives of Philly school educators and students, challenging control of schools by corporate elites, as did Chicago teachers when they elected a new . . .

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“Capital, It Fails Us Now”: Andy Gill of Gang of Four, 1956-2020

[PDF][Print]For people of a certain age — Generation X, they used to call us — it’s something of a cliche that if you loved punk rock and had leftist leanings you’d find your way to hearing . . .

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Welcome to the Global Ecosocialist Network

[PDF][Print]The Global Ecosocialist Network (GEN) is being launched at a moment of extreme danger for humanity.  The intensity of the crisis and the scale of the danger is hard to grasp or express adequately because, unless . . .

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Meanwhile, what do we do about Bernie?

[PDF][Print]While I found the article critiquing the electoral road to socialism by Kit Wainer and Mel Bienenfeld found in the in the current issue of New Politics quite interesting and informative, I also found it problematic. . . .

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Urgent call for international solidarity with the metal workers strike in Turkey!

Strike, occupy. resist!
Long live international class solidarity!

Bern After Reading: Sanders and Socialist Strategy

[PDF][Print]In March of 2019, the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) endorsed Bernie Sanders’ bid for President of the United States. DSA members voted on an advisory referendum that simply asked if the Democratic Socialists of America . . .

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Institutional Obstacles Can be Overcome

This essay is a reply to “Problems with an Electoral Road to Socialism in the United States,” published in the Winter 2020 issue of New Politics. – Editors

IASWI’s Statement on Assassination of Qasem Soleimani and its Aftermath

Say no categorically and proactively to U.S. warmongering and stand firmly in solidarity with the working class and the poor and oppressed people of Iran, and not the tyrannical Iranian regime, and help strengthen anti-capitalist, anti-poverty and social and economic justice movements in Iran and across the region.

Yes, the PMC Exists: A Reply to David Camfield

[PDF][Print]In a recent New Politics essay David Camfield argues that the “PMC” (shorthand for “professional-managerial class”) does not exist and that belief in it hinders socialist organizing. He presents a simplified, partly inaccurate version of the . . .

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Fighting back is the only way out of Bolsonaro’s Brazil

[PDF][Print]Brazil dominates Latin America’s economy. And although the coup in Bolivia, uprisings in Chile, Ecuador, and Columbia, Trump’s threats against Iran, Australian megafires, mass strikes in India and France, anti-government protests in Lebanon, and the British . . .

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Remembering and Forgetting: No to War with Iran!

[PDF][Print]The criminal negligence of the Iranian regime and military — shooting down a passenger airliner that had just taken off from their own Tehran airport — should immediately remind us of the dozens, if not hundreds . . .

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France at a Crossroads

[PDF][Print]The nationwide general strike in France, now in its record seventh week, seems to be approaching its crisis point. Despite savage police repression, about a million people are in the streets protesting President Macron’s proposed neoliberal . . .

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Review: “Tramps and Trade Union Travelers” by Kim Moody

[PDF][Print]Kim Moody, Tramps and Trade Union Travelers: Internal Migration and Organized Labor in Gilded Age America, 1870–1900. Chicago: Haymarket Books, 2019.
Kim Moody has written another very interesting and provocative book on labor. His other books have . . .

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How Mayor Lumumba was Bought: The Closed Bloomberg Meeting in Jackson, Mississippi

[PDF][Print]The saying that politics makes for strange bedfellows is a statement that speaks to the many allegiances, alliances and compromises that one must make when engaging in electoral politics. One might think that there could be . . .

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