Category: Anti-imperialism

Coherence and Incoherence about the War in Ukraine

What should our attitude be towards arms to Ukraine?

Compilation of Statements on the Ukraine Crisis

Here we collect statements from Ukrainian, Russian, and other grassroots organizations on the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Reading Tolstoy’s “Sevastopol Sketches” against Russia’s Wars on Syria and Ukraine

In the continuities between the Tolstoyan scenes from the “Sevastopol Sketches” and the destruction of Syrian and Ukrainian cities, we perceive constancy in the fundamentally brutal exercise of State power

Six FAQs on Anti-Imperialism Today and the War in Ukraine

Gilbert Achcar responds to six questions about his “Memorandum on the radical anti-imperialist position regarding the war in Ukraine.”

“The Left in the West Must Rethink”

Notes on the war from Kyiv -- a conversation with Taras Bilous

Ukrainian socialists speak to the Western Left

Call to Demonstrate against the War in Ukraine

At a time when a war with serious consequences is raging in Europe, it is imperative that international solidarity live in defense of the freedoms of all.

The Historical Background to Putin’s Invasion of Ukraine

It is impossible to understand what is happening in Ukraine today without some knowledge of its past

Monday, March 7: Putin’s War on Ukraine: History, Analysis, Solidarity

An Internationalism from Below forum

A public forum providing crucial background on Putin’s war

A memorandum on the radical anti-imperialist position regarding the war in Ukraine

Some principles for radical anti-imperialists on the Russian invasion of Ukraine

Support Ukraine! Russia Get out! No U.S. or NATO War! Down with Putin!

A socialist response to the invasion of Ukraine

Open letter from Israel to the Russian Anti-War Movement

Israeli activists for Palestinian rights express support for the Russian anti-war movement

Russian and Ukrainian Anarchists Speak Out

We will never take the side of this or that state, our flag is black, we are against borders and freeloader presidents. We are against wars and killings of civilians.

What the DSA International Committee’s Ukraine Statement Gets Wrong

The DSA International Committee statement on Ukraine rightly criticizes NATO but is silent on Russia’s role in the current crisis


Half-Apology for Apartheid?

Linfield’s The Lions’ Den reads like an intervention toward holding back the encouraging tide of pro-Palestinian awareness.

Russian Imperialism and Its Monopolies

It is widely accepted that the accelerating rivalry between the great powers—the United States, China, the European Union, Russia, and Japan—is a key feature of world politics and will remain so for the foreseeable future. This makes it urgent for . . .

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Internationalism, Anti-Imperialism, And the Origins of Campism

La Botz analyzes the pseudo anti-imperialist character of campism and calls for genuine internationalism of workers against imperialism.

We Who Are in Prison Escape Every Day

Students and Women Organizing Against Israeli Occupation: An Interview with Layan Kayed

Layan Kayed, who was imprisoned by Israel for her activism, discusses organizing by students and women.

Left Antisemitism and Consistent Democracy

A Reply to Daniel Fischer

Daniel Randall responds to Daniel Fischer’s review of his book Confronting Antisemitism on the Left: Arguments for Socialists.

Overcoming Left Antisemitism

An Anti-Zionist’s Review of Confronting Antisemitism on the Left

Left antisemitism is all too real, has especially strong roots in Stalinism, and functions as a dangerous frame for conspiratorial thinking.

The United States and Russia Struggle over Ukraine. War on the Horizon?

Both U.S. President Joseph Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin have invoked their nations’ imperial histories and current ambitions, using the Ukraine as the occasion to reassert their claims to dominate Eastern Europe.

Afghanistan and Its Challenge to Feminism

How should anti-imperialists relate to the coming to power of the misogynist Taliban regime in Afghanistan?
