Place: Ukraine


Russian Imperialism

From the Tsar to Today, via Stalin, the Imperialist Will Marks the History of Russia

Sergei Nikolsky argues that perhaps the most important thought for Russians “from the fall of Byzantium to the present day is the idea of empire and being an imperial nation.”

The Historical Background to Putin’s Invasion of Ukraine

It is impossible to understand what is happening in Ukraine today without some knowledge of its past

Ukraine: Putin’s War Must Stop – ITUC and ETUC

The attack on Ukraine is a flagrant violation of international law and of Ukraine’s territorial integrity as a sovereign and democratic state.

U.S. Unions Oppose Putin’s Invasion of Ukraine

AFL-CIO joins the global labor movement in condemning Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, and we stand in solidarity with the people of Ukraine.

Monday, March 7: Putin’s War on Ukraine: History, Analysis, Solidarity

An Internationalism from Below forum

A public forum providing crucial background on Putin’s war

Left solidarity with Ukraine

The future of Ukraine should depend solely on their free and independent decision.

Interview with a Leftwing Ukrainian activist in Kyiv

The mood is clearly for an uncompromising struggle.

Zapatista Statement on Russian Invasion of Ukraine

To resist is to persist and it is to prevail. Let us support these relatives in their resistance, that is, in their struggle for life. We owe them and we owe it to ourselves.

Russia: Community of Lomonosov University Against the War

We, students, graduate students, teachers, staff and graduates of the oldest university in Russia, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, we categorically condemn the war that our country unleashed in Ukraine.

A memorandum on the radical anti-imperialist position regarding the war in Ukraine

Some principles for radical anti-imperialists on the Russian invasion of Ukraine

A Letter to the Western Left from Kyiv

I am writing these lines in Kyiv while it is under artillery attack.

Support Ukraine! Russia Get out! No U.S. or NATO War! Down with Putin!

A socialist response to the invasion of Ukraine

Stop Russian aggression in Ukraine !

We condemn and denounce Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and express our full solidarity with the attacked people. For the self-determination of the peoples of Ukraine and for a Ukraine free from the clutches of Russia, NATO and the US and European imperialists!

A Call from Russian Scientists against War

We demand an immediate halt to all military action against Ukraine. We demand respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Ukrainian State. We demand peace for our countries.

Ukrainian Trade Unions on Situation in Ukraine

Joint Statement of the Ukrainian Sectoral Trade Unions on Situation in Ukraine
Logo of Ukrainian Union Federation
1. Ukraine has been resisting the Russian Federation (RF) aggression since 2014.
As a result of the aggression Ukrainian Crimea was annexed, parts of Lugansk and . . .

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No to Russia’s Imperialist Aggression against Ukraine

Statement from Swiss Solidarity, a socialist organization.
A few days after Moscow recognized the independence of Ukrainian separatist territories in Donbass, Vladimir Putin’s army launched a massive attack on Ukraine on February 24, with airstrikes and ground invasion. A few hours . . .

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Belarusian Labor Union on War in Ukraine

We apologize for the shame, the shame that the Belarusian government has imposed on all Belarusians, becoming an ally of the aggressor and opening the border with Ukraine.

Our Attitude Towards Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

Saturday 26 February 2022,
This petition now circulating among Chinese academics on Chinese social media is being now censored by China’s Internet overseers.
The war began in darkness.
In the early hours of February 22, 2022 (the evening of February 21 in Moscow), . . .

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Letter of protest to President Putin of Russia

The use of nuclear weapons can only lead to mass destruction and inhumane and catastrophic consequences, as the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki have shown.

CNDP (India): Statement on Ukraine

The Coalition for Nuclear Disarmament and Peace (CNDP) India, expresses its grave concern at the situation in Ukraine.

Statement of Hong Kong Universities’ Students on the Russian Invasion and War on Ukraine

We oppose not only the military aggression commanded by Putin, but also NATO, which has led to the crisis in Ukraine ; we stand in solidarity with thousands of anti-war demonstrators in Russia to insist an internationalist anti-war stance.
