Online Features

Global Warming, “Grass” Farming and a Planned Economy

[PDF][Print]As the Global Climate Strike date (Sept. 20) approaches, the question that will be on the minds of millions will be: “Is there a possible way to avoid a disaster that could threaten the existence of . . .

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Review: Can the Left Learn to Meme?: Adorno, Videogaming, and Stranger Things

[PDF][Print]One of the biggest complaints leftists make about progressive activism—at least in more candid moments—is a failure to communicate effectively. Since Newt Gingrich and Fox News fundamentally changed the dynamics of political agitation in the 1990s . . .

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How the Youth-Led Climate Strikes Became a Global Mass Movement

The Global Climate Strike is the result of a whole new generation taking bold action and could be the turning point for grassroots resistance to fossil fuels.

The Revolution has Emerged: Sudan’s Acute Contradictions

[PDF][Print]In April, Sudan’s president, Omar al-Bashir, was ousted in a military coup. With the head of the regime cut off, a power struggle ensued between the military junta and the popular movement demanding civilian rule. In . . .

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New Film about the First Rainbow Coalition

Many young people are unaware that the Black Panthers sought out and formed alliances among Black and white, Puerto Rican and Native American working people. The first “Rainbow Coalition” was created in the 1960s in Chicago . . .

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Swedish Social Democrats Drift Further Right on Nuclear Ban and the Environment

On Friday, July 12, after almost two years of discussion, the Swedish minister of foreign affairs, Margot Wallström of the Social Democratic Party, announced that the government has decided to not sign the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. Wallström gave two . . .

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What’s Next In Puerto Rico’s Movement for Justice and Democracy

[PDF][Print]For 14 days this summer, Puerto Ricans engaged in nightly protests that resulted in the ousting of Governor Ricardo Rosselló. The protests—which amassed nearly one-third of the archipelago’s population—were sparked by a leaked chat in which . . .

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How Should the U.S. Left Think about China?

[PDF][Print]Editors’ note: This is the second of three articles providing analysis of what’s happening now in China – and why.
[Interview with the author on Democracy Now.]
On the U.S. left, China is treated for the most part . . .

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Boston’s Straight Pride: Reflections on Fighting the Right

Protesting the “alt-right” in Boston, MA has become a back-to-school routine for the New England left, but this year’s “straight pride” event marked a qualitative and quantitative shift in the dynamics and forces present in The . . .

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Review: The Permanent Guillotine

Mitchell Abidor, ed. and trans. The Permanent Guillotine: Writings of the Sans-Culottes. Oakland: PM Press, 2018.

Why Hindu Nationalists are Intensifying the Occupation of Kashmir

[PDF][Print]The irony of India celebrating its 72nd year of national independence as it orchestrates a coup and military lock-down on the occupied territory of Kashmir was apparently lost on Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Modi used the . . .

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The Amazon Burns and the Politics of Death: Resisting the Commodification of Our Future

The Bolsonaro administration is allowing the Amazon to burn as part of a project to accelerate capital accumulation, but is meeting massive resistance both at home and abroad.

A Second Look at the Workplace Democracy Plan

[PDF][Print]The Bernie Sanders presidential campaign presents socialists with an unprecedented opening for explicitly socialist politics. And Sanders’ Workplace Democracy Plan (WDP) represents a coherent set of policies through which to examine that opportunity. In a recent . . .

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U.S. and China Conflict: The 21st Century’s Central Inter-Imperial Rivalry

Editors’ note: This is the first of three articles providing analysis of what’s happening now in China – and why.

‘A New Generation Rises’: Eyewitness to Hong Kong Revolt

[PDF][Print]Hong Kong Teachers in Protest
The people of Hong Kong are in the fight of their lives against their own government and the Chinese Communist Party. Carrie Lam, the enclave’s chief executive, appointed by Beijing, earlier this . . .

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A GI Rebellion: When Soldiers Said No to War

[PDF][Print]Fifty years ago this fall, a campus upsurge turned opposition to the Vietnam War into a genuine mass movement.
On October 15, 1969, several million students, along with community-based activists, participated in anti-war events under the banner . . .

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Puerto Rico: The Organic Crisis and the Alternatives

The discredit attained by the dominant parties, by the legislature, by the “politicians” and even “politics” itself, defined inaccurately, but viscerally despised by many people, recalls the concept of “organic crisis” advanced by the Italian Marxist . . .

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Moving Targets: DSA’s 2019 Convention

[PDF][Print]Earlier this month, the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) held its 2019 National Convention. I wrote a piece for Jacobin giving an overview of the major decisions that came out of the convention, but there’s a . . .

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On India’s Revocation of Jammu & Kashmir’s Autonomous Status

[PDF][Print]As the Indian government resorts to annexation of the state of Jammu and Kashmir at gunpoint, detaining its political leaders and cutting off all means of communication, we extend our solidarity to the people of Jammu . . .

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“We’re All Hong Kongers Now”


Ecosocialists must stand in support of the millions of democracy protesters in Hong Kong and call on American trade unions and the left to join us. The Chinese Communist Party is on a suicide mission to . . .

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Prominent Centrists and the Fiction of the White Working Class

[PDF][Print]In the centre of the city of Manchester, there is a place called Lincoln Square, named for the statue of Abraham Lincoln which stands there. The story of how that statue came to be there is . . .

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