- From The Editors
- The Movement for Black Lives Is Different This Time, Haley Pessin
- Special Section: The Covid Crisis
- Pandemic, Depression, and Authoritarianism, Dan La Botz and Sherry Baron
- Coronavirus and the World Economy, Alejandro Reuss
- A Global View of Coronavirus, Medical Policy, and Research, Gérard Chaouat
- Symposium: Organizing After Bernie — Activists Respond
- Moving On from Bernie, Taheerah Barney
- The Struggle for Power Continues, Bill Fletcher Jr.
- After Bernie, DSA Will Be Essential, Mindy Isser
- We’re Not Just Along for The Ride, Natalia Tylim
- S. Imperialism and Africa’s ‘Perfect Storm’, Lee Wengraf
- Symposium: Anti-Imperialism and the Rise of Authoritarianism, “Left” and Right
- From the Russian Revolution to Russia Today, Rohini Hensman
- Authoritarianism and Resistance in India, Samantha Agarwal
- China and the United States: A New Cold War, Ashley Smith And Kevin Lin
- “Campism” and the “New” (Anti-) Imperialisms, Bryant William Sculos
- Review Essays
- Robbers, Takers and Givers: Capitalism, Patriarchy and Racism Exposed, Ann Ferguson, Review of Bhattacharya, Ed., Social Reproduction Theory: Remapping Class, Recentering Oppression
- Walking the Tightrope: Latin America’s Pink Tide, Frederick B. Mills, Review of Ellner, Latin America’s Pink Tide: Breakthroughs and Shortcomings
- Music Review
- Painting The Passports Brown: Listening to Dylan During Covid-19, Jordy Cummings
- Book Reviews
- Theory In Revolutionary Times, Rafael Khachaturian, Review of Albo, Panitch, And Zuege, Eds., Class, Party, Revolution: A Socialist Register Reader
- The Farm Equipment Workers, James Young, Review of Gilpin, The Long Deep Grudge: A Story of Big Capital, Radical Labor, and Class War in the American Heartland
- Analyzing the Communist Manifesto, Phil Gasper, Review of Draper, The Adventures of the Communist Manifesto
- Dark Satanic Mills, Eric Blair, Review of Freeman, Behemoth: A History of the Factory and the Making of the Modern World
- Exchange
- Surrogacy, Exploitation, and Commodification, Sara Lee, Alexandra Holmstrom-Smith
New Politics Vol. XVIII No. 1, Whole Number 69
In this issue:
From The Editors
From the Editors
Even though it is only half over, 2020 has already proved to be one of the most tumultuous—and inspiring—years in recent political history. It has been a year of dramatic swings backwards and forwards, with hope . . .
Opening Articles
The Movement for Black Lives Is Different This Time
An assessment of the ongoing protests and developing movement following the murder of George Floyd.
The COVID Crisis
Pandemic, Depression, and Authoritarianism
The United States confronts an uncertain future in the face of an unprecedented situation.
Coronavirus and the World Economy
The coronavirus pandemic has both detonated a global economic crisis and exacerbated a preexisting crisis, economic and political, of the capitalist world economy.
A Global View of Coronavirus, Medical Policy, and Research
In 2019, a new virus of the coronavirus family emerged in Wuhan, China, and the disease that was caused by this virus was named COVID-19 to indicate both the virus associated with it and the year . . .
Organizing After Bernie -- Activists Respond
Organizing After Bernie — Activists Respond
THE HISTORIC SANDERS CAMPAIGN has come to a close, and the strength of social movements will be critical after November, whether to build the left in the face of a Democratic president carrying out the party’s . . .
Moving on from Bernie
The effort of the media, the DNC, and the Dem establishment to bring Bernie’s campaign to a grinding halt highlights the limits of electoral politics.
The Struggle for Power Continues
Takeaways from the Sanders campaign and recommendations on a possible road forward.
After Bernie, DSA Will Be Essential
Bernie Sanders’ campaign for president has changed politics as we know it.
We’re Not Just Along for the Ride
How socialists in organizations outside of the Sanders campaign operate and what this situation demands of us.
U.S. Imperialism and Africa’s “Perfect Storm”
Public health crisis, financial crash, and the new scramble for Africa.
Anti-Imperialism and the Rise of Authoritarianism, “Left” and Right
Review Essays
Robbers, Takers, and Givers
A review essay of Tithi Bhattacharya’s collection “Social Reproduction Theory: Remapping Class, Recentering Oppression”
Walking the Tightrope: Latin America’s Pink Tide
A review essay on Steve Ellner’s collection on the Latin American turn to the left.
Music Review
Theory in Revolutionary Times
A review of a collection of articles from the early years of The Socialist Register.
The Farm Equipment Workers
A review of Toni Gilpin’s history of labor struggles in the American heartland.
Analyzing the Communist Manifesto
The Communist Manifesto never seems to go out of style for very long.
Surrogacy, Exploitation, and Commodification
Sara Lee and Alexandra Holmstrom-Smith debate the position that the left should take on surrogacy, arrangements where a woman agrees to bear a child for others.