Category: Political Economy

Trump, Sanders, and the Crisis of Neoliberalism (Part One)

We continue to live in the shadow of the Great Recession of 2008. The protracted and partial economic recovery has led to a political and ideological crisis of neoliberalism.

Ecology, Democracy and Development: Capitalist Crises and Covid-19

For the past four months Covid-19 has revealed the contradictions and unsustainability of global capitalism perhaps in a manner that no other single phenomenon has ever done in history.

Cuban Doctors Abroad – Appearances and Realities

It is important to bring out lesser known aspects of the Cuban doctors abroad program that expose the Cuban state’s undemocratic character and the impact that this has on the Cuban people.

Ten Aphorisms on Capitalism, Covid-19, and the Climate Crisis

The climate crisis, and by extension, the COVID-19 crisis, is a prolonged act of violence perpetrated on the 99% by capitalism’s accumulation for accumulation’s sake.

Trump Will Sacrifice Tens of Thousands to Reopen Economy, Win Reelection

President Donald Trump is driving the United States toward complete loss of control of the coronavirus pandemic, a development that will lead to tens or even hundreds of thousands of deaths and further devastation of the economy.

Revolution in the Twenty-First Century: A Reconsideration of Marxism

Leftists must tolerate disagreements and work together—must even work with left-liberals—because a worldwide transition between modes of production takes an inordinately long time and takes place on many different levels.

Coronavirus and Capitalist Crisis

Everything we have said about the nature of capitalism and what it does to working-class people around the globe is being affirmed in a frightening way but also one which tells us how important our analysis, our politics, and our organizing is.

Autonomous Equality: A Review of Thomas Piketty

Thomas Piketty’s book Capital in the 21st Century (2009) convinced many, largely by its scale, that rising inequality is bedded in our economics. Now he’s followed with a tome on how we embed inequality in our politics.

An Evil King Rules an Afflicted Land: Coronavirus and the Depression in America

This article was written for L’Anticapitaliste, la revue, the monthly journal of the New Anticapitalist Party (NPA) of France.
We in America live in what resembles some medieval fairy tale. An evil and maniacal king rules the plague stricken land. The . . .

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Coronavirus, Crisis, and Socialist Perspectives

Capitalism is a failed system that offers more pandemics, more economic crisis, more climate disaster, more oppression, and more war.

Self-Extinction of Neoliberalism? Don’t Bet on It.

Neoliberalism will not disappear by itself; we need class struggle.

Where to Begin? Growing Seeds of Liberation in a World Torn Asunder

What faces us in the post-COVID-19 world as we struggle to uproot capitalism and its malignant racism, sexism, heterosexism, and environmental destruction, both in theory and in practice?

COVID-19 in the Age of Bolsonaro

As of April 14, 2020, Brazil has had 23,955 cases of COVID-19, including 1,361 deaths and rising daily mortality rates.1 And that is with only around 11 percent of total cases diagnosed, estimates the Center for Mathematical Modeling of Infectious . . .

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Global Capitalism, Global Pandemic, and the Struggle for Socialism

We are now in the grip of one of the worst economic crises in the history of modern capitalism. As the Coronavirus pandemic forces people to stay home and businesses to remain shuttered, the St. Louis Federal Reserve has projected . . .

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“What if?” COVID-19, Trump and Class Struggle in America

When I first wrote this article on Friday, March 27, the Covid-19 death toll in the US had surpassed 1,600, although casualties are mounting so fast this number will seem impossibly old in a day or two. By April 2 the number . . .

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Thinking Critically About Regional Uprisings: A Roundtable

This article was originally posted on the Middle East Research and Information Project (MERIP)’s website and printed in Middle East Report 292/3 (Fall/Winter 2019).

How China contained Covid-19 and the dangerous world to come

This interview with Kevin Lin explains how medical personnel in Wuhan, China sounded the alarm in late December as the coronavirus began to spread. After an initial period of denial and scapegoating, Chinese leaders took decisive actions to contain the . . .

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Bailouts are class warfare

The global capitalist economy has quickly stumbled into recession, a process already unfolding before the COVID-19 pandemic came into full view. The effects of the spreading virus have led to rolling closures and shutdowns to large swathes of different international . . .

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America Faces the Deluge

This article was written for L’Anticapitaliste, the weekly newspaper of the New Anticapitalist Party (NPA) of France.
The United States stands before the deluge. Coronavirus is spreading, the economy is collapsing, anxiety is everywhere. Federal and state government responses were slow . . .

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Fifteen Years of Urban Entrepreneurialism: Lessons from New Orleans

It has been fifteen years since Hurricane Katrina descended on the Gulf Coast, leaving mass destruction in its wake. New Orleans, one of the places most severely hit, was left eighty percent under . . .

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The American Working Class, Coronavirus, and the Recession

This article was originally written for Viento Sur, a political magazine published in the Spanish state.
