Author: James Munson

Autonomous Equality: A Review of Thomas Piketty

Thomas Piketty’s book Capital in the 21st Century (2009) convinced many, largely by its scale, that rising inequality is bedded in our economics. Now he’s followed with a tome on how we embed inequality in our politics.

Climate Change is Growing the Fossil Fuel Industry

U.S. CO2 emissions are 8X the EU’s highest producer, Germany, and 15X-150X the rest. Following our lead would increase pollution. And pollution takes freedom away.

Microsoft’s Plan: AI Runs on Gas

Microsoft has joined oil-imperialists James Baker and George Shultz’ Climate Leadership Council (CLC).  Their plan is to slap a $40 per ton tax on carbon emissions.  In trade, it blocks further regulation, including liability, and disempowers alternative energy research.
The plan . . .

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