Category: Civil Liberties/Repression

From Cuba: A Description of the Protests

On Sunday 11 July, Cuba experienced a series of social outbreaks that encompassed at least six of the 14 provinces that make up the country. In the 62 years since the triumph of the revolution, Cuba had not faced a situation like this.

Nigeria: #EndSARS, Workers’ Power, and War

In October 2020, millions in Nigeria marched for two weeks in a revolt that shook the world. From Badagry to Yola, youth and workers rose in unity against the barbarism of police brutality and bad governance. Raising radical slogans and . . .

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Assad’s Pyrrhic Victory

It’s difficult to recollect the euphoria of the early days of the 2011 uprising in Syria against the regime of Bashar al-Assad. Reflecting on that time, Syrians speak of the breaking of the “fear barrier”—the suffocating authoritarianism and repression that . . .

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Deplatforming: The Risk of Success

Deplatforming has deep flaws, and reliance on it tends to reinforce unhealthy top-down dynamics within the left.

Right Campaigns to End Abortion in America

White Evangelical churches, which are the driving force of the anti-abortion movement, are also a core constituency of the Republican Party and the most fervent supporters of former president Trump.

Call for the Release of Detainees in Cuba

The Comunistas blog calls for the release of Frank García Hernández and other leftists detained in Cuba for protesting against the government.

Where Should Socialists Stand on Cuba Today?

International socialists should oppose the US embargo and US military intervention in Cuba, but should also support the right of Cubans to demonstrate on any issue that they choose.

Nicaragua: Ortega Arrests Opposition Candidates Ahead of November 2021 Election

We should reject the argument made by some on the left that we have to support the dictator Ortega and his government because the U.S. is now opposed to it.

The Lausan Collective on Colonialism in Hong Kong

This is an original translation into English of an interview conducted with Lausan, a collective of writers, translators, artists, and organizers, that appeared in German in IZ3W, a left German publication.

Navalny and the protests: some clarification

This is a mobilization of very diverse discontent and aspirations that are expressed for the moment in a surge of solidarity from a people recovering their dignity. Navalny is not the leader but the detonator— the Navalny who risked his life to show that we could resist.

Against the Global Police State

It is not only in the US that we see the fusion of Big Tech with militarized police forces and the slide into anti-democratic and authoritarian political systems. These are worldwide trends rooted in the structural contradictions of contemporary global capitalism.

The Techniques of Justice

Orwell and Camus on a Hanging and the Guillotine

Camus and Orwell both understood that the justification for state violence depends on describing it in such a way as to not convey too specific an image of the actual event.

Belarus: The People’s Fight Continues

More than ever, the organized popular classes in Belarus must take the initiative in favor of political and social change in order to prevent the frustration of this genuinely popular movement by forces opposed to their interests, whether pro-Russian or pro-Western.

Race, Crisis, and Resistance in the United States

An Interview with Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor

Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor discusses the significance of the struggle against racism and police violence.

Auditing U.S. Democracy

Classical Liberalism, Contemporary America, the Trump Years, and Beyond

The Trump years were deeply undemocratic, but they did not mark an abandonment of a previously rich democratic politics

Hong Kong’s Fight for Democracy

Anyone interested in getting a deeper understanding of how the 2019 Hong Kong rebellion fits into the bigger China picture and what might be coming around the corner, will do themselves a favor by reading Au Loong-Yu’s important new book.

Teachers unions and the pandemic: Fighting for life and facing neoliberalism’s new bipartisan push

Biden will endorse the old normal Obama handed to Trump, but he will also push profiteering and control of education through technology, a project supported by both Democrats and the GOP from the start of Trump’s administration.

Left Advances in Brazil Bring Repression and Dirty Tricks

The movement to defeat Brazil’s right-wing authoritarian President Jair Bolsonaro made significant advances in the first round of local elections on Sunday, November 15, 2020.

Trump Refuses to Promise a Peaceful Transfer of Power Should He Lose

Almost any scenario we can imagine might well lead to armed conflicts in American streets between Trump’s supporters and his opponents on a scale much larger and more violent than anything we’ve seen so far.

Solidarity is the Key to Victory!

As expected, the extremely dubious electoral procedure, misnamed “elections”, caused mass indignation among the citizens of the Republic of Belarus to which the authorities have responded with widespread violence and repression against many protesters.

Police Reform: An Oxymoron

Many urban police departments can be characterized as regressive groups. These groups exhibit a number of dysfunctional characteristics to include group narcissism and shadow projection, psychic numbing, stifling dissent, and obedience to authority.
