Author: Hanna Perekhoda

HANNA PEREKHODA is a member of solidaritéS in Vaud Canton, Switzerland, and a PhD candidate in Political Science (University of Lausanne).

How to Understand Russia’s Imperialist Attitude Toward Ukraine

Hanna Perekhoda analyzes construction of Russian imperialist imagery of Ukraine, rooted in the Russian ruling elite’s drive to maintain its power.

Imagine a Country

What happens when the right takes over a nationalist movement?

Ukraine and Its Language in the Political Imagination of the Russian Nation and Empire

In order to understand Putin’s war against Ukraine and its people, one must take a close look at the place that Ukraine, its state, language, and culture occupy in the imperial and national imagination of Russians.

Belarus: The People’s Fight Continues

More than ever, the organized popular classes in Belarus must take the initiative in favor of political and social change in order to prevent the frustration of this genuinely popular movement by forces opposed to their interests, whether pro-Russian or pro-Western.
