Place: United States

Staughton Lynd and the Labor Movement

Introduction by Dan La Botz

Staughton Lynd looks at Stan Weir’s strategy for labor and Dan La Botz looks at Lynd.

Journalism with movements in the South

It is ironic that those who most ardently declare their anti-imperialism are the same who believe there’s no subjectivity except U.S. subjectivity: no protest against states they deem anti-imperialist is possible without Washington’s approval, money, or agents spurring it on. 

Stopping Cop City and Reconnecting with Abundance

Interview with Abundia Alvarado of Mariposas Rebeldes

Interview with Abundia Alvarado, a co-founder of Mariposas Rebeldes and a member of the movement to protect Weelaunee Forest from the construction of Cop City.

Far Right Politicians Become a Power in the U.S. Congress

A Klan march in Washington, D.C. in 1925.
The far right has for the first time in a hundred years established itself as a force in the U.S. Congress. A group of just ten percent of the Republicans in Congress now . . .

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The Bridge of Stones: A Migrant Christmas Story

If the scene that unfolded December 11 was part of an “invasion” frequently voiced by the U.S. right, it was a curious one, indeed: no battle between antagonistic armies was fought. Many of the “invaders,” were in fact children.

“Antifascism, Historically And In The Present”—An Interview With Shane Burley

In this interview, Shane Burley, author of Fascism Today and Why We Fight, discusses their latest edited collection No Pasarán!: Antifascist Dispatches from a World in Crisis, an expansion and extension of antifascist organizing and ideas.

Mike Davis (1946-2022): Miscellaneous Encounters with “A Real Marxist”

Mike Davis, the revolutionary socialist social and culture critic, has died. 

Stand Firm ILWU with Ukraine

An open letter from union members to the International Longshore and Warehouse Union calling on it to maintain its opposition to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

21st Century Revolution

A review of activist Ted Glick’s case for a better world, based on higher love, racial justice, and democratic cooperation

The United States and China in Latin America: Rival Imperialisms

The United States has long dominated Latin America, but today—in fact for the last twenty years—it is being challenged by China, which has invested billions and established political and some military relationships with many governments in the region.

Two Sixties’ Radicals Recall Fighting Times in U.S. Labor

A review of Fighting Times: Organizing on the Front Lines of the Class War (PM Press, 2022) by Jon Melrod and Troublemaker: Saying No to Power by Frank Emspak (available at Amazon books).

The United States in Crisis

Homeless Camp

Colin Wilson, website editor for rs21 (revolutionary socialism in the 21st century), interviewed Natalia Tylim and Phil Gasper in July about the upheavals, dangers and opportunities facing socialists in the US today.

“Cancel Culture” and Its Perils

There is no question that “cancel culture” is a legitimate tool of a vibrant democratic culture, especially as it allows the powerless to redress the abuses and the offensive behavior directed at them by powerful public figures.

Towards the Brown International of the European and Global Far Right?

Modi’s India, Putin’s Russia, Bolsonaro’s Brazil, Orban’s Hungary, and soon Giorgia Meloni’s Italy and maybe Trump II’s United States, the picture is far from being exhaustive but it still gives an idea of the seriousness of the threat that now hangs over humanity.

White-Collar Hell


Editor’s note: Barbara Ehrenreich, a New Politics sponsor, passed away on Thursday. In 2005, she was interviewed by Scott McLemee (who is now a member of the New Politics editorial board).

Bait and Switch: The (Futile) Pursuit of the American Dream, published . . .

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Plastic Prosperity

From Coal to Petrochemicals in “Frackalachia”

Nicole Fabricant discusses the rise of the petrochemical industry in Appalachia and its devastating ecological, economic, and health effects.

The Woke Capitalist Attack on Breastfeeding

‘Lean-in’ feminists go after breastfeeding

Is America in the Grip of Social Madness?

How can we understand the Trump voter?

Goodbye, Big Red Mike

Memories of Michael Hirsch

Jason Schulman writes in memory of the late socialist activist, his comrade Michael Hirsch.

Michael Murray Hirsch

June 29, 1945 – December 16, 2021

Mark Hirsch writes in memory of the late socialist activist, his brother Michael Hirsch.

Ukraine, Sanctions, and the Refugee Crisis

An interview with Khury Petersen-Smith

New Politics interviews scholar Khury Petersen-Smith about the war in Ukraine, the role of the US and NATO, the politics of sanctions, and protection of refugees.
