Place: United States

No Justice, No Peace! Raising the Social Cost through Direct Action!

Growing numbers of individuals and growing social movements that have broken with the ideology that there is no alternative to neoliberalism (TINA) and acting on the belief that there is a liberatory alternative to racial capitalism is central to raising the social cost.

Police Reform: An Oxymoron

Many urban police departments can be characterized as regressive groups. These groups exhibit a number of dysfunctional characteristics to include group narcissism and shadow projection, psychic numbing, stifling dissent, and obedience to authority.

The Seeds of Revolution Have Sprouted: What is Now to be Done?

Turning points in history are very rare. We are now living in the midst of one, with the two months of virtually continuous protests against police abuse, the criminal injustice system, and for a human society that have swept the U.S. as well other parts of the world since the police murder of George Floyd on May 25.

A Life in the Shadow of the Bomb

I am a child of the atomic age. The atomic bomb, that is, the threat of nuclear war and mass destruction, has been in my consciousness—sometimes in the background but frequently in the foreground—nearly all of my life.

The Obliteration of Hiroshima

The moral case against the atomic bombing of Hiroshima.

Why Leftists In Most States Should Vote Green

And Why In Some States We Shouldn't

My late comrade and esteemed New Politics editorial board member Joanne Landy steadfastly insisted she’d never vote for a Democratic Party candidate, preferring a protest vote for the Green Party. “But I’ll never join that party,” she insisted.

Statement on My Being Shot by Federal Troops

Since June, I’ve been attending peaceful protests in Portland neighborhoods in support of Black Lives Matter. I have gone with family and friends. I am a 52-year-old mother. I am a history professor. I was protesting peacefully. So why did federal troops shoot me in the head Monday night?

Yesterday’s Man Is Today’s Candidate for President

“Throughout his entire political career, Biden had cultivated and depended upon financial and corporate donors, raising money from Wall Street, big tech, and fossil fuels.” Dan La Botz reviews Branko Marcetic, Yesterday’s Man: The Case Against Joe Biden.

Trump Speak and its Discontents

Trump understands that to be an effective boss requires not only authority but respect for authority, and to instill such respect it is necessary to speak to working people in an obsequious and patronizing way to make it easier for them to accept the reality of what is required by the law of profit.

Race, Class, and Crisis in Higher Education

Higher education is structurally racist in large part because the working class needs it but does not have access to it, nor do they have the social support to succeed once they are there.

Portland Protests: A Chronology of Police Repression

Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, ICE, and possibly other federal agencies are deployed in Portland as this article is being written. They are assisting the Portland Police Bureau to brutally squash the rebellion against business as usual.

The Debate in the Left on the Elections in the United States

The far left joined the progressives in supporting Senator Bernie Sanders, a liberal in the New Deal mold who ran as a “socialist” against the “billionaire class.” But since Sanders dropped out of the race and endorsed Biden, many on the far left have felt they have no candidate.

Imagining a Socialist Presidential Candidate Winning the African American Vote

If the activists that Bernie Sanders inspired are to continue to consider winning the presidency as a pivotal condition for transforming democratic power and the state, that achievement entails winning the African American vote in the Democratic primary.

Herman Benson (1915-2020): No Socialism Without Democracy

Herman Benson, veteran socialist activist and fighter for rank-and-file democracy in the labour movement, died on 2 July, aged 104. Herman was the second-to-last survivor, at least to my knowledge, of the “first generation” of “third camp” socialists.

Keep Your Eyes on the Prize of an Independent Party

Whether you have one foot in the realignment-is-possible camp or your eyes are firmly on the prize of workers’ own party makes a difference in how you organize and on what you’ll do at crucial forks in the road. The Democratic establishment will fight back. What is our plan when they do?

The Farm Equipment Workers

A History of Radical Labor

A review of Toni Gilpin’s history of labor struggles in the American heartland.

Painting the Passports Brown

Listening to Dylan During COVID-19

A review of Bob Dylan’s “Murder Most Foul.”

Pandemic, Depression, and Authoritarianism

We Must Fight for the Future

The United States confronts an uncertain future in the face of an unprecedented situation.

China and the United States: A New Cold War

The United States and China are locked in a spiraling conflict over everything from the pandemic to trade, investment, high tech, geopolitics, and military hegemony in Asia.

Puerto Rico Faces Crises: COVID, Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Drought

The United States has suffered 135,000 deaths from COVID-19 and has tens of millions of unemployed and both crises continue now into the fifth month, but nowhere has the economic crisis been greater than in the U.S. colony of Puerto Rico.

We’re Not Just Along for the Ride

How socialists in organizations outside of the Sanders campaign operate and what this situation demands of us.
