Online Features

The Article on Ukraine that DSA Suppressed

Notes from Kyiv: Which side are we on?

You cannot understand the war in Ukraine without knowing its history.

Oppenheimer: Global Empire Trumps Good War

After the bait-and-switch bombing of Japan, the appalled leader of the Manhattan Project, J. Robert Oppenheimer, embarks on a public crusade for a future free of nuclear holocaust, thinking that great minds will save the people.

We are anti-imperialists, not alter-imperialists.

The Left and Ukraine: Anti-Imperialism or Alter-Imperialism?

How should the left respond to NATO expansionism and Western imperialist policy? As anti-imperialists we reject both NATO imperialism and Putin’s imperialist reaction to it.

Zionist Volksgemeinschaft

On the völkisch nature of Zionism and its relation to imperialism

In this essay, I attempt to offer a Marxist examination of Zionism and some of its essential features: its völkisch character, its settler colonial character, and its relation to imperialism.

Cornel West for President?  Part 5 – Clifton DeBerry, The First Black Candidate for President 1964.

The first Black candidate for president was Clifton DeBerry, the nominee of the Socialist Workers Party in 1964, running against right-wing Republican Barry Goldwater and liberal Democrat Lyndon B. Johnson. Harassed by the FBI, DeBerry would have a tough row to hoe.

In Niger, Neither Generals Nor ECOWAS

While the coup plotters in no way represent an alternative for Niger, the economic sanctions and threats of military intervention by ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States), backed by Macron, are a real danger for the population.

The Struggle to Stop Cop City—By Any Means Necessary

A history of Stop Cop City and the struggle to defend the Atlanta Forest. A must read for anyone interested in getting the whole story.

Struggle for Memory Continues 50 Years After Chile Coup

We must continue to remember so that no one is forgotten, so that no face is forgotten, and so that our experience is not forgotten.

How GM Destroyed Poletown

The story of the construction of the Poletown plant is illustrative of the collaboration between big business and government, the failures of business unionism, and the shortcomings of liberals and the Communist Party

Nicaragua – Statement on the Situation of the Universities and the Central American University

Academics, teachers and university workers express deep concern at the Ortega-Murillo regime’s offensive against Nicaraguan universities.

Cornel West for President? Part 4 – Angela Davis for Vice-President 1984 and 1988

Davis’ loyalty to the  CP led her in 1980 and 1984 to accept the party’s assignment that she be the running mate of diehard Stalinist party leader Gus Hall.

I’m Sick to Death of Florida’s Racism

Before the Florida Department of Education issued its curriculum directive that slavery in the United States did, after all, produce “personal benefits” for the enslaved in the form of a well-stocked resumé of trades, useful after Emancipation in 1863, the board members might have consulted a seminal document in the literature of the oppressed—Angela Davis’s 1971 essay, “Reflections on the Black Woman’s Role in the Community of Slaves.”

Cornel West for President? Part 3 – Shirley Chisholm 1972 Campaign

The most important Black candidate of the radical 1960s and 70s, if we judge by votes and delegates, was Shirley Chisholm.

I’m a Ukrainian leftist. This is why I support Boris Kagarlitsky

The left-wing Russian theorist, who has gone from pro-war hawk to anti-war political prisoner, deserves solidarity

An assessment of Kargalitsky’s political evolution

Why (and how) to campaign for the liberation of Boris Kagarlitsky

We express our solidarity with Boris Kagarlitsky and demand his immediate release, as well as that of all those detained on political grounds.

Ukraine and the abstraction of violence: my reply to Tom Dale

Achcar responds to Dale on arms to Ukraine and NATO.

Cornel West for President? Part 2 – The Black Candidates of 1968

Here we turn to look at the experience of four Black presidential candidates in 1968.

Ukraine and the violence of abstraction

A critique of Achcar and Chomsky on arms to Ukraine and NATO.

Adolfo Gilly, Great Latin American Left Intellectual, Dead at 94

Adolfo Gilly, one of the great Latin American left intellectuals of his time, has died at the age of 94.

Open Letter on the Occasion of the São Paulo Forum in Brasilia from June 29 to July 2, 2023

Daniel Ortega and what remains of the Sandinista Front present themselves as left-wing and anti-imperialist, but, far from this proclaimed discourse, they have for many years already abandoned their principles…

Boy Murdered by French Police, Protests Follow, Macron Calls them “Inexplicable,” After all, Race Doesn’t Exist in France

I say he was a French boy, because in official circles in France and in society at large race does not exist and so therefore neither does racism.
