Online Features

The Federation of Teachers of Puerto Rico needs your help

We are reposting this appeal from No Borders News.

Doug Henwood Has It Wrong This Time

[PDF][Print]Doug Henwood, who often has so many intelligent and useful things to say about economics and politics, has it wrong this time. A few days ago on his Facebook page he commented on an article that . . .

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The Boeing and Volkswagen Debacles

Ruling Class Errors and Working Class Imperatives

[PDF][Print]The Boeing Company, a huge global, high tech aerospace corporation has stumbled badly with enormous adverse financial consequences. The Boeing Max 8 tragedy and other corporate tech blunders should encourage us, especially those of us in . . .

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The “PMC” Does Not Exist and Why it Matters for Socialists

[PDF][Print]2019 was the year when “PMC” entered the vocabulary of many radicals in the U.S. and, to a lesser extent, the rest of the Anglosophere. As Alex Press observes, “’Professional-managerial class’ (PMC), a term coined by . . .

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Neo-Colonial Economics in Central Africa: A Very Short History

[PDF][Print]Word War Two as the death-knell for colonial empires is a well-trodden and essentially erroneous narrative. Empires’ relationships with their colonies were uprooted, modified and given the gloss of ‘independence’ but retained injustice and exploitation at . . .

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México: Year One of the “Fourth Transformation”

[PDF][Print]This is an statement marking the first year in office of Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador [AMLO] published in Unidad Socialista, the publication of the Liga de Unidad Socialista, a socialist organization in México. The editorial . . .

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The Socialist Position on the Latest U.S. Attack on Iran: The Assassination of Suleimani

[PDF][Print]President Donald Trump has virtually declared war on Iran with the assassination of Maj. Gen. Qassim Suleimani, leader of Iran’s elite Quds Force, in an airstrike near Baghdad International Airport. The assassination of Suleimani will very . . .

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How General Strike Rhetoric Became A City-Wide Reality

A review of Radical Seattle: The General Strike of 1919 by Cal Winslow (Monthly Review Press, 2020).

Trump’s Reckless Assassination of Iranian General Is an Act of War

[PDF][Print]The Middle East and the world woke up on the morning of Friday, January 3 to the shocking news that U.S. missiles had struck the Baghdad Airport, in a targeted assassination of Iran’s General Qassem Soleimani.
Donald . . .

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Writing an Obituary for Neocons

[PDF][Print]The New York Times obituary of neocon historian Gertrude Himmelfarb shows why  neoconservatives remain a potent political force in U.S. politics: many liberals can’t imagine a socialist challenge to capitalism that doesn’t apologize for authoritarianism.
The NYT’s . . .

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Taking Stock, Settling Accounts: Coming to Terms with Stalinism

[PDF][Print]I have written at some length about my experience as a member of Workers World Party, which I left due to the organization’s flawed political practice. What I’ve said less about is my psychological and ideological . . .

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The UK Election: A Car Crash on the Left Side of the Road

[PDF][Print]It was probably no surprise that Joe Biden announced that the huge victory for Boris Johnson and the Conservatives and the mauling defeat of Labour under Jeremy Corbyn’s radical leadership was a warning to fellow Democrats . . .

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Beyond Impeachment: Challenges Facing the U.S. Left in 2020

While the effort of House Democrats to impeach Trump has not undermined his hold on power, the real test lies in taking the battle against him beyond the confines of the impeachment process.

Mataron a Frank Ordoñez

El jueves 5 de diciembre de 2019, Frank Ordoñez, de 27 años de edad, un chofer de UPS y padre de dos hijas, fue matado en un tiroteo entre la policía y dos sospechosos que huían de la escena de un robo.

A Juarez Refugee Christmas

[PDF][Print]As temperatures dip near or below freezing, scores of Mexican refugees huddle in their makeshift tents of layered plastic sheeting at the foot of the Santa Fe Bridge that connects Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, with El Paso, . . .

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On Student Peer-to-Peer Economic Power

[PDF][Print]You can’t get the right answers if you don’t ask the right questions.
“What are the jobs of the future?” is the wrong question to ask about both work and education. It presumes a capitalist class determining . . .

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A Brief Introduction to the Saga of the Labor Movement for Emerging Militants

This piece is the text of a talk given to the DSA Lower Manhattan Branch’s Political Education Working Group on December 4, 2019, serving as introduction to “Bernie and Labor” part of its series “Why Bernie?”

Rank-and-File Journalist Wins Presidency of NewsGuild/CWA in Re-Run Election

[PDF][Print]After a much contested election process, the largest union of journalists in North America has chosen a 32-year old reporter at the Los Angeles Times to be its new leader, in the U.S. and Canada.
Jon Schleuss helped win . . .

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Where Is Iranian Socialist-Humanist Intellectual, Yashar Darolshafa?

[PDF][Print]On Thursday November 21, five days after the outbreak of a popular uprising against the Islamic Republic of Iran, Yashar Darolshafa was violently arrested by government authorities at a friend’s home and taken away. Since then, . . .

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They Killed Frank Ordoñez

On Thursday, December 5th 2019, Frank Ordoñez, 27, a UPS driver and father of two, was killed in a shootout between police and suspects fleeing the scene of a robbery.

Call for Solidarity with Uprisings in the Middle East & North Africa

[PDF][Print]This is a critical moment in the Middle East and North Africa. In 2019, uprisings have emerged in Sudan, Algeria, Iraq, Lebanon and Iran. All have opposed authoritarianism, neoliberalism, poverty, corruption, religious fundamentalism and sectarianism. Women . . .

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