Online Features

DSA and the Russian War on Ukraine: Political Paralysis

Why is DSA in this anomalous position: A political organization with no useful position on the central foreign policy question of the day?

The War in Ukraine, International Security, and the Left

A Ukrainian socialist examines how the security of small states can be secured

Putin’s conquest of southeast Ukraine

Vexed questions of ‘negotiations’, gotcha moments and real imperial interests

Ukraine’s decisions should not be subject to the approval of either western imperialism or the western imperial left.

Report: International conference of European Solidarity with Ukraine

Report by an international delegate to a solidarity conference with Ukraine

Fighting for Our Lives in the Draft Aftermath of Roe

The Christian nationalist roots of the anti-abortion movement

Passing the Baton

Socialism from Below, Women’s Emancipation, and New Politics

We don’t win against oppression by being nice. We win by proudly violating the patriarchal, xenophobic, racist, sexist, classist norms of capitalism.

When should we stop excusing the Russian invasion?

Ukraine, Self-determination, and the National Question

Clarifying left views on national self-determination and the war in Ukraine

Ukrainian Feminists under Western Eyes

Westerners need to understand the perspective of Ukrainian feminists.

The US Supreme Court is Now a Front for Christian Nationalist Minority Rule

Striking down Roe will just be a starting point

The significance of the Alito draft

Irresponsible braggadocio won’t help Ukrainians

The difference between helping defend Ukraine and warmongering

Unity Caucus Logo

Voting Ends Soon in UFT Elections: A Referendum on Leadership the Past Two Years

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the largest teachers’ union local in the country consistently left members unsafe, confused, ill, and even dead.

The Political Consensus of Extractivism in Bolivia

Extractivism is the only economic horizon of the Bolivian state, even as narratives shift depending on who is in power.

NO to NATO, or the identity crisis of the Spanish left

Explaining the positions of the Spanish left on Ukraine

Why the Left Must Support Arms for Ukraine!

A response to Branko Marcetic’s argument against weapons for Ukraine

Book cover "Veteranhood"

U.K. War Resister Reflects On Troubled State of “Veteranhood”

Military service in the U.S. and the U.K. promised more than it ever delivered for many post-9/11 volunteers.

Harsh Critique of Chomsky on Ukraine

A discussion with Noam Chomsky was called “A Left Response to the Russian Invasion of Ukraine”.  It wouldn’t be far wrong to say Chomsky placed all of the blame for Russia’s attack on the U.S. government. The title of the event should have been “Chomsky Calls for Realpolitik for the 21st century”. 

Rosario Ibarra: Mexican Socialist Feminist, 1927-2022. Presente!

Rosario Ibarra de Piedra, one of the most important figures of the Mexican left, died on April 16, 2022 at her home in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon at the age of 95.

Internationalist Manifesto Against the War

Statement from anti-capitalist organizations

Contemptuous Denial of Agency in the Name of Geopolitics and/or Peace

Internationalists must listen to the voice of Ukrainians

The Yemen Crisis: An Interview with Helen Lackner

Explaining the background to the current crisis and the prospects for peace.

Vladimir Putin

Can the God of global fascists and Nazis “de-Nazify” a country?

Virtually the entirety of fascist, Nazi, white-supremacist and ultra-rightist forces everywhere in the world have been strongly aligned to the Putin regime.
