Online Features

Iran’s Hijab Law and Electoral Scrutiny

The Woman, Life Freedom Movement Will Not Bow

Gender issues are crucial in Iran’s presidential election, scheduled for June 28.

Cuba since COVID: Communist Party represses social unrest

“The conditions in Cuba are tough for those dissenting,” Alina Bárbara López says. “I have refused to flee Cuba and that strengthens the pressure on me. Nevertheless, I believe it is possible to get involved.”

How Biden Mutated into a Dove

While this mutation is a tribute to the importance of the protest movement against the war in the United States, we cannot ignore its opportunistic and hypocritical nature.

Loren Goldner (1947-2024): Crossing Paths with a Revolutionary Internationalist

Loren Goldner, activist and writer, passed away in Philadelphia on April 12, 2024. We first met through exchanging letters in July 1997.

How Israeli Universities Deny Palestinian Freedom

Review of Maya Wind’s new book, Towers of Ivory and Steel: How Israeli Universities Deny Palestinian Freedom

South Africa: Hanging On

Cyril Ramaphosa presides over a corrupt administration in a weak and stagnant economy and a society with extreme poverty and inequality. South African capitalism is a basket case. How long can it hang on without a massive reaction from its people?

On the Mexican Election: Manifesto of the Revolutionary Workers Party (PRT)

It is necessary to build a counter-hegemonic pole to the current “progressive” consciousness in order to grow into the revolutionary anti-capitalist consciousness.

The Struggle for Sudan

Khalid Mustafa Medani discusses the repression of the Sudanese Revolution of 2018-19, and the origins and dynamics of the devastating civil war between the two counterrevolutionary military factions.

Libertarianism and the Far Right

Not So Strange Bedfellows

The Libertarian Party has become just another flavor of the same reaction that propelled Trump to office in the first place.

Professor’s Letter in Support of Students in Geneva

I fully associate myself with the terms of the letter from the teachers and researchers of your university, in particular with their defense of academic freedom and respect for the formation of critical knowledge.

The Mexican Election – For an Independent, Anti-capitalist and Anti-Patriarchal Left Bloc.

In this panorama, different organizations and collectives of the independent left see the need to form an Independent, Anti-capitalist and Anti-Patriarchal Left Bloc to strengthen the organization and mobilization independent of the government and the right.

Launch statement of Zabalaza for Socialism

Launch statement of Zabalaza for Socialism (ZASO), a new eco-socialist, feminist, and anti-racist organization in South Africa, which aims to unite the left and contribute to building a mass movement for socialism in response to the crisis and failures of capitalism in the country.

University Unions United for Free Speech and Protest

A defense of free speech on university campuses from unions across the country

Open Letter from the Student Movement for Palestinian Liberation

We, the Student Movement for Palestinian Liberation, demand institutional accountability and immediate divestment from Israel and its genocide of the Palestinian people of Gaza.

Will they crush the biggest student movement since Vietnam?

In response to peaceful student anti-war protests against genocide, many school administrations have invited police onto campus for violent crackdowns.

No To Warmongering: Statement by a Group of Iranian Civil Rights Activists

We believe that in the current situation, saying “no to warmongering” is a necessary position both to reject the militarist structure of the Islamic Republic and to clearly delineate a stand against war and bloodshed in the region.

The Humboldt College Strike of 1970: Then It Was Vietnam, Today’s Its Palestine

At that time Humboldt State had about 5,000 students; about 3,000 showed up for the meeting and at least 2,000 students voted to strike.

Remembering the Portuguese Revolution

The Portuguese revolution began 50 years ago. Labor historian Raquel Valera looks back at the events of 1974-75 and their legacy for the working class and left today.

The Exercise of Power in the Cuban Revolution: From Below or From Above?

The verticality of the 1959 revolutionary process took us by its own logic and dynamism to the extreme authoritarianism and total absence of democracy in today’s Cuba.

Tue Apr 30, 2024 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM EDT

Online Meeting: The Communist Manifesto

A Road Map to History's Most Important Political Document

Join Phil Gasper, Sabrina Fernandes, and Vanessa Wills as they discuss the continued relevance of the Communist Manifesto in today’s political landscape.

No path to peace in Ukraine through this fantasy world

A critique of recent campist discussions of the Ukraine war.
