Category: Uncategorized

In Niger, Neither Generals Nor ECOWAS

While the coup plotters in no way represent an alternative for Niger, the economic sanctions and threats of military intervention by ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States), backed by Macron, are a real danger for the population.

How GM Destroyed Poletown

The story of the construction of the Poletown plant is illustrative of the collaboration between big business and government, the failures of business unionism, and the shortcomings of liberals and the Communist Party

Nicaragua – Statement on the Situation of the Universities and the Central American University

Academics, teachers and university workers express deep concern at the Ortega-Murillo regime’s offensive against Nicaraguan universities.

Cornel West for President? Part 4 – Angela Davis for Vice-President 1984 and 1988

Davis’ loyalty to the  CP led her in 1980 and 1984 to accept the party’s assignment that she be the running mate of diehard Stalinist party leader Gus Hall.

I’m a Ukrainian leftist. This is why I support Boris Kagarlitsky

The left-wing Russian theorist, who has gone from pro-war hawk to anti-war political prisoner, deserves solidarity

An assessment of Kargalitsky’s political evolution

Why (and how) to campaign for the liberation of Boris Kagarlitsky

We express our solidarity with Boris Kagarlitsky and demand his immediate release, as well as that of all those detained on political grounds.

Cornel West for President? Part 2 – The Black Candidates of 1968

Here we turn to look at the experience of four Black presidential candidates in 1968.

Hugo Blanco, Peruvian Revolutionary, Dead at 88. I Met Him Once. It Was a Magical Experience

Blanco, the Peruvian revolutionary is dead. I met him once back in 1996. It was an experience of magical realism.

Social reproduction, rebellion and the problem of the state

Elections are superimposed on social struggles through a process that obscures and disorganizes them, and that recodifies grassroots demands, altering and distorting their language and content.

Cornel West for President? What Does the Left Think? Part 1

West’s candidacy will take place in the left lane of American politics usually occupied by other groups such as the Green Party and the Democratic Socialists of America.

Dominican Republic: US government endorses President Abinader’s racist violence

US Subsecretary of State Wendy Sherman’s April visit to Santo Domingo served to ratify the strategic character of the Dominican regime’s subordination to the US and to iron out the differences that arose during the year . . .

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What Happened in Ukraine in 2013– 2014?

Maidan and After

The Maidan in Ukraine through the eyes of participants.

On the Anniversary of Russia’s War on Ukraine: Analyzing the Roots of Russian Imperialism

Ukraine has long been a victim of Russian imperialism, pre-capitalist, capitalist, Soviet, and then state-capitalist.

Ukraine and Its Language in the Political Imagination of the Russian Nation and Empire

In order to understand Putin’s war against Ukraine and its people, one must take a close look at the place that Ukraine, its state, language, and culture occupy in the imperial and national imagination of Russians.

Brazil: End of the Nightmare?

In addition, Lula will be, like Dilma Rousseff, under the permanent threat of a “parliamentary coup.” 

“Cancel Culture” and Its Perils

There is no question that “cancel culture” is a legitimate tool of a vibrant democratic culture, especially as it allows the powerless to redress the abuses and the offensive behavior directed at them by powerful public figures.

Strategies for the Contingent Faculty Movement

25 Truths to Build Campus Power Despite Precarity

A review of Power despite Precarity by Joe Berry and Helena Worthen

A review of Power Despite Precarity: Strategies for the Contingent Faculty Movement in Higher Education by Joe Berry and Helena Worthen. Pluto Press, 2021

Ukraine and the Dangers of Nuclear War

Should we oppose arms to Ukraine because of the risks of nuclear war?

On Contradiction: Mao’s Party-Substitutionist Revolution in Theory and Practice – Part 4

Explaining and debunking the theory and practice of Maoism. Part 4.

On Contradiction: Mao’s Party-Substitutionist Revolution in Theory and Practice – Part 3

Explaining and debunking the theory and practice of Maoism. Part 3.

Political Dimensions of the Crisis in Sri Lanka

The role of the various Sri Lankan political parties in the current crisis.
