Category: Anti-imperialism

Unions Strive to Keep Ukraine’s Mines Running, Protect Civilians and Appeal for Solidarity

The NGPU and our leading organizations consider Russia’s attack to be a cynical attempt by the Russian regime to destroy Ukraine and its people.

DSA Discusses Ukraine—Without an International Socialist Perspective

The Democratic Socialists of America organized a panel discussion on Ukraine on August 28, but it made no reference to the central issue of Ukraine’s right to self-determination.

Ukraine: Between Hope and Fear

While I share the apprehensions of many, those of us on the international socialist left also have hopes that war in Ukraine can lead to making the world a better and safer place.

Laurent Schwartz: The Vicissitudes of an Internationalist

The first of an occasional series of articles on the lives of figures of the French left.
For more than a decade, from 1936 to 1947, Laurent Schwartz (1915-2002), the famous mathematician, was a Trotskyist in France, though that was only one . . .

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The War on Ukraine

An Interview with a Ukrainian Socialist

A Ukrainian socialist activist discusses the Ukrainian resistance to the Russian invasion and the situation of the Ukrainian left.

Ukraine, Sanctions, and the Refugee Crisis

An interview with Khury Petersen-Smith

New Politics interviews scholar Khury Petersen-Smith about the war in Ukraine, the role of the US and NATO, the politics of sanctions, and protection of refugees.

The Italian Left and the War in Ukraine

Pietro Maestri discusses positions of various left groups in Italy regarding the war in Ukraine and calls for solidarity with the Ukrainian resistance.

Lenin, Ukraine, and the Amnesia of the “Anti-war Left”

Tom Dale discusses why the left should support Ukraine’s self-defense, based on Lenin’s analysis of imperialism.

Ukraine and Socialist Internationalism

. . .

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Their Values and Ours: The Debate over Western Values and the Values of the Socialist Left

Where does the Left stand and where should it stand on this question of “Western values”?

Weaponizing Antisemitism “Makes Jews of Color Less Safe”

Interview with Anna Rajagopoal

Anna Rajagopal speaks about what Judaism and anti-Zionism mean to them, what it’s like being a Jew of color, and how this controversy has been affecting them.

The Conquest of Ukraine and the History of Russian Imperialism

Historically, Russian imperialism has been based on the ideas of “amassing Russian lands” and building a “unique and indivisible” Russian state.

When should we stop excusing the Russian invasion?

Ukraine, Self-determination, and the National Question

Clarifying left views on national self-determination and the war in Ukraine

Ukrainian Feminists under Western Eyes

Westerners need to understand the perspective of Ukrainian feminists.

Irresponsible braggadocio won’t help Ukrainians

The difference between helping defend Ukraine and warmongering

NO to NATO, or the identity crisis of the Spanish left

Explaining the positions of the Spanish left on Ukraine

Why the Left Must Support Arms for Ukraine!

A response to Branko Marcetic’s argument against weapons for Ukraine

U.K. War Resister Reflects On Troubled State of “Veteranhood”

Book cover "Veteranhood"

Military service in the U.S. and the U.K. promised more than it ever delivered for many post-9/11 volunteers.

Harsh Critique of Chomsky on Ukraine

A discussion with Noam Chomsky was called “A Left Response to the Russian Invasion of Ukraine”.  It wouldn’t be far wrong to say Chomsky placed all of the blame for Russia’s attack on the U.S. government. The title of the event should have been “Chomsky Calls for Realpolitik for the 21st century”. 

Internationalist Manifesto Against the War

Statement from anti-capitalist organizations

Contemptuous Denial of Agency in the Name of Geopolitics and/or Peace

Internationalists must listen to the voice of Ukrainians
