Author: Dan La Botz

Statement from Arab and Middle Eastern Journalists Association on Ukraine

The Arab and Middle Eastern Journalists Association (AMEJA) calls on all news organizations to be mindful of implicit and explicit bias in their coverage of war in Ukraine.

Canadian Truckers Protests Show Strength of Trumpism North of Border

The convoy represents a significant movement by the country’ growing far right, one that parallels and is influenced by right-wingers South of their border led by Donald Trump.

Biden Sends Troops to Eastern Europe – Step Towards War?

U.S. President Joseph Biden has begun to send small numbers of U.S. troops to Eastern European nations—some 8,500 altogether have been put on high alert—though none will go to Ukraine, which is not a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Is this a first step toward war?

Biden and the Democrats Face Potential Disaster; Sanders Calls for a New Course

Today, despite a strong start in his first few months, Biden finds himself and his party failing on every front, opening up the prospect of a Republican victory in the mid-term elections for House and Senate on November 8 this year.

Mike Parker: Socialist, Labor Educator, Political Activist – 1940-2022

Mike Parker spent his entire adult life engaged in movements and organizations that he believed would advance the struggle for the creation of a democratic socialist society.

U.S. Supreme Court Rules Against Workers’ Health

It was an extraordinarily irrational and reactionary ruling by one of the most undemocratic and authoritarian institutions of our society, one that puts the power of capital ahead of the health of workers.

Biden’s Speech on January 6 Insurrection and the Growth of America’s Far Right

But the rise of rightwing politics and authoritarianism and of armed groups preparing for violent action is an even greater problem than Biden’s speech suggests and neither mainstream Democrats, nor progressives, nor the left, seems to have a strategy to stop the rise of the right.

The United States and Russia Struggle over Ukraine. War on the Horizon?

Both U.S. President Joseph Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin have invoked their nations’ imperial histories and current ambitions, using the Ukraine as the occasion to reassert their claims to dominate Eastern Europe.

Increased U.S. Military Spending Means More Militarism, Imperialism, and War

The U.S. Congress is completely divided, Republicans versus Democrats. Except when it comes to the military. Bills for working people can’t be passed. But there’s always money for the generals and the arms-makers.

Where Are We on Thanksgiving Day in America?

I give thanks that there’s a chance that in the coming year we can begin to build a mass working class movement and an independent working-class political party.

Verdict in Rittenhouse Vigilante Trial Leads to Protest by Left and Jubilation on Right

The Rittenhouse verdict has encouraged and emboldened America’s fascists—and they are taking advantage of it.

The “Striketober” Debate in America

Throughout October and November, the media and especially the Left have been reporting what they called a “strike wave.” Is there one?

After Bogus Nicaraguan Election, Daniel Ortega Remains Dictator

Having arrested and jailed his most significant rivals weeks before the election, President Daniel Ortega was reelected on November 7 to a fourth consecutive term, his fifth altogether.

Biden’s Legislation Whittled Down by “Moderate” Democrats, Progressives Trapped

In the last several weeks, two so-called moderate Democratic Senators have been able to force Biden to cut his proposal to less than half the original amount, eliminating many of the innovative social programs.

School Board Meetings Become Violent as Republicans Fight Over Health and Race

Local school board meetings in the United States have for the last three months become the site of intense arguments and even violence as parents fight over both health policies and teaching about race.

The Great Resignation: A Workers’ Movement in America

Over the last several months, millions of American workers have quit their jobs: about four million every month since spring. And the trend of saying, “I quit!” goes on.

France’s Union: Between Dead Ends and Renewal

The national day of strikes and demonstrations organized in France on 5 October was not a failure, but the mobilization was average in terms of demonstrations and weak in terms of strikes.

Biden Focuses U.S. Foreign Policy on Challenging China

President Joseph Biden has refocused U.S. foreign policy and military strategy on America’s two great power imperial rivals: Russia and China, particularly the latter.

Tens of Thousands of Women March for Abortion Rights

The politics of the march in NYC were progressive, with a strong presence of Democratic organizations, such as Indivisible and several independent Democratic clubs.

Protests Against Biden’s Immigration Policy and Treatment of Haitians

Scenes of black migrants held in chaotic, dangerous, and filthy conditions in Del Rio, Texas and then of Border Patrol agents riding their horses into the migrants, their reins looking like whips, sparked indignation.

Mobbed Up!

The Forgotten History of William McCarthy and Boston Teamsters Local 25

A Rank-and-File Perspective

By understanding the Teamsters past, union members can acquire the ability to become agents of their own history and change its course.
