Online Features

France: Criminal policing, systemic racism, anti-social policies: supporting a legitimate revolt

The NPA calls on people to mobilize alongside angry young people, to gather in front of town halls, every evening if necessary, to express our rage and our demands.

Appeal on Behalf of Working-Class Youth in France

A large proportion of young people are subjected to racism on a daily basis, victims of prejudice, discrimination and violence.

Shifting Focus: Organizing for an Ecosocialist Future

Akuno’s advice on how to build social movements consistent with our ecosocialist values

The Left and Ukraine: Two Pitfalls to Avoid

How to avoid campism with either camp

Toxic Entanglements

A review of Nicole Fabricant’s Fighting to Breathe

Review of “activist ethnographer” Nicole Fabricant’s book on youth activism and environmental justice in the South Baltimore Peninsula.

The Peace Movement and Ukraine: John Feffer Replies to Critics

John Feffer responds in an interview to peace movement critics regarding the war in Ukraine

Hugo Blanco, Peruvian Revolutionary, Dead at 88. I Met Him Once. It Was a Magical Experience

Blanco, the Peruvian revolutionary is dead. I met him once back in 1996. It was an experience of magical realism.

The Right and “The People”: In the Beginning Was Silvio Berlusconi

Silvio Berlusconi has died at the age of 86….He will undoubtedly leave a lasting mark.

Social reproduction, rebellion and the problem of the state

Elections are superimposed on social struggles through a process that obscures and disorganizes them, and that recodifies grassroots demands, altering and distorting their language and content.

Cornel West for President? What Does the Left Think? Part 1

West’s candidacy will take place in the left lane of American politics usually occupied by other groups such as the Green Party and the Democratic Socialists of America.

The History Wars and the New Red Scare

[PDF][Print]The views of Left and Right differ regarding the study of history. For the Right it is largely an exercise in building identity and loyalty, an exploration of what makes one’s nation and race, and therefore . . .

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Dominican Republic: US government endorses President Abinader’s racist violence

US Subsecretary of State Wendy Sherman’s April visit to Santo Domingo served to ratify the strategic character of the Dominican regime’s subordination to the US and to iron out the differences that . . .

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Commons: A Ukrainian left-wing collective intellectual

An interview with the editorial board of Ukraine’s leading left journal

The voice of the Ukrainian left

What Happened in Ukraine in 2013– 2014?

Maidan and After

The Maidan in Ukraine through the eyes of participants.

A New Era in Turkey?

The significance of Turkey’s May 14 election

Kali Akuno to Get 2023 Peace Award

Kali and his fellow members of Cooperation Jackson are creating a model for how the rest of us might be able to achieve peace on and with Earth.

Against Half-Solidarity and False Pacifism – Statement of the Russian Socialist Movement on May Day

May Day is not only International Workers’ Day but also a day of solidarity with the oppressed peoples and civil disobedience against war.

Twenty Theses for Liberation

A statement seeking to advance principles for a united left

A Sudanese Dream

In the face of the nightmare that Sudan is going through these days, we have a dream...

What we hope might emerge from the current horrors in Sudan

Review: Socialism in Yiddish

Socialism in Yiddish: The Jewish Labor Bund in Sweden
by Hakkan Blomqvist
Translated by Blomqvist and Glasser
(Stockholm, Sodertons University, 2021)

The Jewish Labor Bund in Stockholm, Sweden, marching with the Swedish Social-Democrats on the First of May 1946
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Book Review Essay: Anti-Authoritarian Internationalism, Then and Now

The consensus from the authors reviewed here is that the anti-fascist and anti-authoritarian causes requires profound socio-economic and political changes at all levels of global society.
