Online Features

Can Xi Jinping’s “Chinese Model” Supplant Capitalist Democracies and Why Should Western Socialists Care? – Part 1

Xi’s “new type civilization” is the opposite of all this. Instead of enlightenment, emancipation, freedom, critical thinking, science and democracy.

The Cuban Government’s Persecution of a Left-wing Dissident

Alina Bárbara López Hernández
In the closing address to the tenth congress of the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR -the street level vigilance committees) that took place on September 28 of this year, the . . .

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The Political and Legal Underpinnings of the Palestine-Israel Conflict

The Israeli state has responded by bombing the Gaza Strip, in which Hamas has its headquarters and over 2.3 million civilians have their homes, starving inhabitants of food, water, medicines and fuel. But why did this happen? And what can be done about it?

A Divided MAS Roils Bolivia

It is undeniabe that Luis Arce, the President of Bolivia, is no longer responding to the demands of his ex-boss, former President Evo Morales.

Ukrainian Letter of Solidarity with the Palestinian People

We, Ukrainian researchers, artists, political and labour activists, members of civil society stand in solidarity with the people of Palestine who for 75 years have been subjected and resisted Israeli military occupation, separation, settler colonial violence, ethnic cleansing, land dispossession and apartheid.

The Claim that Hamas’ Military Center is Under Gaza’s Biggest Hospital

Barak said, “Every reporter that lives in Gaza or in Israel knows” about the location of this command center. His claim is preposterous.

Gaza, the West, and the Rest

How the Gaza conflict is viewed from the Global South

The West cannot escape the extension of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Anne-Sylvie Sprenger interviews Gilbert Achcar on the Gazan conflict

An uprising for democracy in Guatemala

Protests that are part of an Indigenous-led national shutdown in Guatemala

A War Preparation Habit

The Rise, Fall, and Rise Again of School-Based Military Training

A review of Breaking the War Habit: The Debate Over Militarism in American Education, by Seth Kershner, Scott Harding, and Charles Howlett.

Palestinian Liberation and the MENA Revolutions

Socialists should see the Palestinian struggle as inextricably tied to the revolutions in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) against all the region’s states, most importantly Israel.

Two Stories, One Position

As I write (and you read) these lines, two intellectuals, two friends, are persecuted by the respective governments of their countries. Alina Barbara López Hernández in Cuba, and Boris Kagarlitsky in Rusia.

Adalah’s Statement following the Extreme Violence in Gaza and in Israel since Saturday 7 October 2023

Statement by the Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel

Imagine a Country

What happens when the right takes over a nationalist movement?

JVP calls on all people of conscience to stop imminent genocide

The attack on Gaza threatens massive human suffering

Statement from the Leadership of Religion and Public Life on the Current Spate of Violence in Palestine/Israel

Start with the rockets fired into Israel by Hamas on October 7, 2023 and not with the illegal occupation of Palestinian land by Israel and the blockade of Gaza since 2007, and you have an entirely different story.

CARICOM must say no to UN intervention in Haiti

An alternative policy for Haiti in crisis

Israeli Conscientious Objector Haggai Matar: Hamas Attack Reflects Israeli Violence in Palestine

Interview of Haggai Matar By Amy Goodman and Juan González on Democracy Now!, Oct. 10, 2023

Israeli draft refuser discusses the roots of Hamas’s horrendous attack
