Online Features

The Political Creativity of Sylvia Pankhurst

Socialists and feminists (and socialist feminists) can profoundly benefit from the legacy of Sylvia Pankhurst who is equally deserving of the contemporary attention given to Rosa Luxemburg and Alexandra Kollontai.

Are Tankie Politics Racist?

Ani White and Gayaal Iddamalgoda argue that so-called “tankie” politics, meaning support for “actually-existing socialist” and “anti-imperialist” states, erase struggles in the Global South.

Protests Against Biden’s Immigration Policy and Treatment of Haitians

Scenes of black migrants held in chaotic, dangerous, and filthy conditions in Del Rio, Texas and then of Border Patrol agents riding their horses into the migrants, their reins looking like whips, sparked indignation.

The Fight Against Antisemitism is the Fight for Total Liberation

In Confronting Antisemitism on the Left, Daniel Randall challenges socialists to confront antisemitism with the same vigor they have taken on other struggles against oppression.

Socialists and Free Speech Revisited

How should socialists who support democratic rights approach current controversies regarding the practical application of the right to free speech? This review essay explores this question discussing David Renton’s recent book. 

21st Century Internationalism of the Oppressed

A Comradely Response to Ajamu Baraka

How does one understand the question of the internationalism of the oppressed? In order to answer this, there are two basic principles we start with: (1) a concrete analysis of concrete conditions, and (2) the law and nature of contradictions.

Afghanistan – Don’t Look Away: A Crisis for the Whole of Humanity

The defeat of the U.S. and the seizure of power by the Taliban mark a real turning point. This reveals both imperialism and fundamentalism as obstacles to human emancipation.

Mobbed Up!

The Forgotten History of William McCarthy and Boston Teamsters Local 25

A Rank-and-File Perspective

By understanding the Teamsters past, union members can acquire the ability to become agents of their own history and change its course.

The Significance of Occupy Wall Street

Ten years ago Occupy Wall Street, a national mass movement against economic inequality and the influence of corporate money in politics, began in New York City and then spread across the country.

French Anti-Pass Demonstrations on the Eve of the Presidential Election

The fragmentation of the left has led to an almost certain second-round dual between Macron and Le Pen in 2022, with grave implications for the future of an explicitly left mass movement.

U.S. Imperialism in Afghanistan and Beyond

For the family members of the victims, the 9/11 attacks were a tragedy, but for the Bush administration and the U.S. ruling class, they were a golden opportunity.

Settler Colonialism, Not a Nation of Immigrants

Review of Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, Not “A Nation of Immigrants”: Settler Colonialism, White Supremacy, and a History of Erasure and Exclusion.

Millions Lose Government Assistance and Protection; Biden Mandates Vaccination

This month millions of Americans lost government unemployment benefits and millions more are losing protection from eviction.

Mobbed-Up! The Untold Story of Sean O’Brien and Teamsters Local 25: A Rank-and-File Perspective

O’Brien is a man who will stop at nothing to achieve his ends. His past attacks on reformers demonstrate that he is a bully.

Three Authors Look at Work's Devastation of Life

How Work Is Killing Us

Three authors—Jamie McCallum, Sarah Jaffe, and Eyal Press– have published important books that examine work and its discontents, in pre-pandemic form.

We Anti-Zionists Speak for a Quarter of U.S. Jews

The newest poll numbers show that a quarter of U.S. Jews fundamentally oppose the Zionist project.

On behalf of the New Politics editorial board

NP on Cuba: Consistent Opposition to US Imperialism and Support of Democratic Rights

We welcome the opportunity to clarify misrepresentations of New Politics editorial stance about Cuba and US imperialism.

Texas Anti-Abortion Law Upheld by Supreme Court—And Met with Resistance

The Texas law will not only affect the seven million women of childbearing age in Texas, but could also become a model for other states. It could also spark a new women’s movement, letting people know that Women’s Lives Matter.

Going into Labor

Going into Labor

Expecting working people to do the jobs for which they are paid and also help organize their workplaces is a huge ask. One invaluable asset we have is seeing the inseparability of struggles for social justice and workplace democracy.

Recovering the Dialectic of Race and Class Struggle in the USA

In Defense of Richard Wright & Cedric Johnson’s Actually Existing Black Marxism

Insights from Richard Wright and Cedric Robinson lend support to Cedric Johnson’s view of Black Marxism.

The Failure of American Empire Lite

The only thing “lite” about American empire turned out to be a dogged unwillingness to accept any culpability in using power to try and remake the world, instead insisting that the exercise of violence could be innocent as long as the right people were doing it.
