Place: Russia

New York State Nurses Association Statement on Ukraine

YSNA is in solidarity with the people of Ukraine and the Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Ukraine in calling for an immediate withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine and a peaceful, diplomatic solution to this international crisis.

SUD-Rail and Solidaires demand free transport for refugees from Ukraine!

It is therefore necessary to implement rapid, concrete and massive assistance to facilitate the transport of these people throughout Europe, to their reception centers or their families; it is an imperative of dignity and solidarity.

Communique on Ukraine Situation

With regard to all the above, the Confederation of Labor of Russia expresses its belief in the need for the cessation of military action, as rapidly as possible, and the renewal of peaceful dialogue and coexistence between the multinational peoples of Russia and Ukraine.

Resolution of the Anti-War Round Table of the Left forces

We condemn Russian President Vladimir Putin’s decision to invade Ukraine,

Stop the War! An Appeal for a Europe of Peace

transform! europe condemns the attack that Russia, under the governance of Vladimir Putin, has launched upon Ukraine.

Against war – for international workers’ solidarity!

In view of the Russian troops’ invasion on Ukraine, the National Committee of the OZZIP wishes to express its solidarity with Ukrainian civilians, Ukrainian trade unions and Ukrainian citizens living and working in Poland.

Statement from Arab and Middle Eastern Journalists Association on Ukraine

The Arab and Middle Eastern Journalists Association (AMEJA) calls on all news organizations to be mindful of implicit and explicit bias in their coverage of war in Ukraine.

What the DSA International Committee’s Ukraine Statement Gets Wrong

The DSA International Committee statement on Ukraine rightly criticizes NATO but is silent on Russia’s role in the current crisis

One Hundred Years of the Russian NEP – Lessons for Cuba

The lesson of the Russian NEP is that economic liberalization does not necessarily signify the democratization of a country, and that it may be accompanied by the elimination of democracy.

Navalny and the protests: some clarification

This is a mobilization of very diverse discontent and aspirations that are expressed for the moment in a surge of solidarity from a people recovering their dignity. Navalny is not the leader but the detonator— the Navalny who risked his life to show that we could resist.

On the 80th Anniversary of Trotsky’s Assassination—What If He Had Lived?

In my counter-historical novel Trotsky in Tijuana, being published on the anniversary of his assassination eighty years ago, I attempt to understand Trotsky the man and the political leader by projecting his life into a future he did not live to see.
