Place: North America

Beyond Roe

Strategic Lessons in the Fight for Abortion Rights

Davison and Pospieszyńska discuss the struggles for abortion rights in Poland and Argentina, and their lessons for the US feminist movement.

Book Review: Two Failures of Vision

Doug Greene, A Failure of Vision: Michael Harrington and the Limits of Democratic Socialism. Washington: 2021. 260 pages. Notes. Bibliography. No index.
Doug Greene has written his critical political biography of Michael Harrington, in large part it seems because he wants . . .

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Weaponizing Antisemitism “Makes Jews of Color Less Safe”

Interview with Anna Rajagopoal

Anna Rajagopal speaks about what Judaism and anti-Zionism mean to them, what it’s like being a Jew of color, and how this controversy has been affecting them.

Creating a Future of Radical Democracy

Interview with Cooperation Tulsa
Screenshot of Cooperation Tulsa's projects from Restoration Garden, Flat Rock, Community Center

Since 2020, Cooperation Tulsa has been planting seeds of radical democracy in Oklahoma based on Indigenous values and social ecology. Aside from running a community center and gardening projects, they helped start the Symbiosis federation of horizontally-structured organizations aiming to “confront the present system while creating the future that will replace it.”

UFT Contract Negotiations Could Be Contentious

Contract talks for New York City teachers come at a challenging time

The Necessity of Organizing DSA Members as Workers

Lastly, the synthesis of skills, experience, and political perspective required in the labor movement, and thereby in DSA’s labor work, are all ultimately based on the experience of organizing in the workplace and in the union.

DSA and the Russian War on Ukraine: Political Paralysis

Why is DSA in this anomalous position: A political organization with no useful position on the central foreign policy question of the day?

Fighting for Our Lives in the Draft Aftermath of Roe

The Christian nationalist roots of the anti-abortion movement

Passing the Baton

Socialism from Below, Women’s Emancipation, and New Politics

We don’t win against oppression by being nice. We win by proudly violating the patriarchal, xenophobic, racist, sexist, classist norms of capitalism.

The US Supreme Court is Now a Front for Christian Nationalist Minority Rule

Striking down Roe will just be a starting point

The significance of the Alito draft

Voting Ends Soon in UFT Elections: A Referendum on Leadership the Past Two Years

Unity Caucus Logo

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the largest teachers’ union local in the country consistently left members unsafe, confused, ill, and even dead.

Canadian Truckers Protests Show Strength of Trumpism North of Border

The convoy represents a significant movement by the country’ growing far right, one that parallels and is influenced by right-wingers South of their border led by Donald Trump.

What the DSA International Committee’s Ukraine Statement Gets Wrong

The DSA International Committee statement on Ukraine rightly criticizes NATO but is silent on Russia’s role in the current crisis


The Life and Political Contributions of Hubert Harrison

With the completion of his biography of Hubert Harrison, Jeffrey B. Perry has made a monumental contribution to our understanding of one of Black history’s most important yet neglected figures. Hubert Henry Harrison (1883-1927) was the first Black figure in the . . .

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Biden and the Democrats Face Potential Disaster; Sanders Calls for a New Course

Today, despite a strong start in his first few months, Biden finds himself and his party failing on every front, opening up the prospect of a Republican victory in the mid-term elections for House and Senate on November 8 this year.

Roe Is Already Gone

We Have to Keep Moving Forward

The impending Fall of Roe is, at this point, more theoretical than actual for millions of people.

The “Big Pink Elephant in the Room”

How Major Reproductive Rights Groups Prevent Us from Winning

The shortcomings of the reproductive rights movement are related to racism within the major reproductive rights groups.

Roe v. Wade in Red and Blue

It is a safe bet that Roe v. Wade will not fare well in the Supreme Court’s 2021-22 Term.

The Abortion Crisis and the Legacy of Activism

The history of the erosion of Roe v. Wade is marked by misguided and failed movement reliance on electoral politics and legalistic strategy.

Education Reforms and Capitalism’s Changes to Work

Lessons for the Left

Weiner discusses education reform and prospects for resistance in recent years.

The Planning and Politics of Transformation

World War II Lessons for a Green New Deal

What can the original New Deal teach us about how to mobilize a Green New Deal?
