Online Features

Afghanistan and Its Challenge to Feminism

How should anti-imperialists relate to the coming to power of the misogynist Taliban regime in Afghanistan?

After Bogus Nicaraguan Election, Daniel Ortega Remains Dictator

Having arrested and jailed his most significant rivals weeks before the election, President Daniel Ortega was reelected on November 7 to a fourth consecutive term, his fifth altogether.

For a 21st Century Bolshevism: Re-Configuring the Relations between the Cadres and the Subject

A 21st century Bolshevism should be much more open to both popular rebellion and cadre opposition to socialist rule than the original Bolsheviks ever were.

Transitioning Away from Animal Exploitation

An Interview with "Unpopular Scientist" Spencer Roberts

Anti-capitalist ecologist Spencer Roberts advocates a decolonial, just transition away from animal agriculture and wildlife extraction.

Biden’s Legislation Whittled Down by “Moderate” Democrats, Progressives Trapped

In the last several weeks, two so-called moderate Democratic Senators have been able to force Biden to cut his proposal to less than half the original amount, eliminating many of the innovative social programs.

“That’s So F**king Imperialistic”: Responding to a Supporter of Cuba’s Government

Whatever a genuinely anti-imperialist approach toward Cuba might look like, it cannot be to rally behind a regime that denies Cubans some of their most basic rights.

An Especially Shameful Episode in Zionist History

We need to know all this history and lots more about Zionist leaders’ dealings with Jew haters so we can immediately confront and neutralize Zionist slander the next time they falsely cry “antisemitism.”

School Board Meetings Become Violent as Republicans Fight Over Health and Race

Local school board meetings in the United States have for the last three months become the site of intense arguments and even violence as parents fight over both health policies and teaching about race.

Politics, Not Prosecution, Is the Answer to Antisemitism

A review of David Renton’s book on what the Left got wrong in dealing with the antisemitism crisis in the British Labour party.

The Great Resignation: A Workers’ Movement in America

Over the last several months, millions of American workers have quit their jobs: about four million every month since spring. And the trend of saying, “I quit!” goes on.

France’s Union: Between Dead Ends and Renewal

The national day of strikes and demonstrations organized in France on 5 October was not a failure, but the mobilization was average in terms of demonstrations and weak in terms of strikes.

It’s Easier to Imagine a Mark Fisher Meme than the End of Platform Capitalism

A constellation of events has thrown left wing memes into the mainstream, leading to a confirmation of the late Mark Fisher’s thesis that countercultural trends tend to be co-opted by capitalist media.

Beyond Tragedy: Postscript on Kronstadt at 100

To avoid repeating the Kronstadt tragedy, and to build toward principled world revolution, we can commit to organizing transnational solidarity and speaking out against all forms of authoritarian repression.

What is Left in the Neoliberal University?

The neoliberal university exploits intellectual labor under a veneer of liberal-humanist values — a false consciousness which emerging working-class academics must overcome.

Biden Focuses U.S. Foreign Policy on Challenging China

President Joseph Biden has refocused U.S. foreign policy and military strategy on America’s two great power imperial rivals: Russia and China, particularly the latter.

Beyond Kronstadt

One must go beyond Kronstadt to understand Kronstadt. One must grasp, first of all, the struggle for human liberation and the hope of Communism.

Analysis of the recent election in Ecuador

The Many Faces of the Left in Ecuador

A look at the debate between the progressive and Indigenous sectors

The elections in Ecuador earlier this year continue to inspire international debate among competing left currents over lessons to be learned.

Kronstadt, an Unavoidable Tragedy?

Kronstadt should not be seen as Lenin’s tragedy, nor Trotsky’s or the sailors’. No, it should be seen as a tragedy of the revolution itself and the hierarchical relations that it created. It is a tragedy of structures and systems of power, not one of individuals and personalities.

Contingent Faculty Activism Pushes Legislation into Congressional Budget Reconciliation

The rising movement among contingent faculty has pushed bills onto CA Gov. Newsom’s desk and into the budget reconciliation process in Congress.

The Kronstadt Revolt of 1921 as a part of the Great Russian Revolution

The March revolution of 1921, initiated by “Red Kronstadt”, had to complete the cause of the February and October revolutions of 1917. In this context, the Kronstadt revolt of 1921 appears as an integral part of the revolutionary process that took several years.

Tens of Thousands of Women March for Abortion Rights

The politics of the march in NYC were progressive, with a strong presence of Democratic organizations, such as Indivisible and several independent Democratic clubs.
