Online Features

Ukraine Labor Law Reform Campaign

It is with dismay that we learn—right in the middle of their life-and-death struggle—that Ukraine’s working people have come under attack on a second front: laws attacking their labor rights and working conditions have been passing through the Ukrainian parliament.

On Contradiction: Mao’s Party-Substitutionist Revolution in Theory and Practice – Part 4

Explaining and debunking the theory and practice of Maoism. Part 4.

Speaking Fiction to Power

An Essay on Yuval Noah Harari

Harari’s world-view is rife with inconsistencies and confusion. He is admired by the global neoliberal elite not only because he rarely, if ever, criticizes their core assumptions and values, but also because his vision of the future is one which is fully in tune with their own.


It is urgent to end the war in Ukraine. But to achieve this goal,

Why the peace movement should support Ukraine

“The simple thing. So hard to achieve.”

Interview with Standing Together's National Field Organizer

Standing Together, as a movement, stands for an Israeli-Palestinian peace based on justice and independence for both peoples of this country, while knowing full well that the real problem lies with the unwillingness of the Israeli political establishment to advance towards such a solution.

The Right to Resist: A Feminist Manifesto

We, feminists from Ukraine, call on feminists around the world to stand in solidarity with the resistance movement of the Ukrainian people against the predatory, imperialist war unleashed by the Russian Federation.

Their Values and Ours: The Debate over Western Values and the Values of the Socialist Left

Where does the Left stand and where should it stand on this question of “Western values”?

On Contradiction: Mao’s Party-Substitutionist Revolution in Theory and Practice – Part 3

Explaining and debunking the theory and practice of Maoism. Part 3.

Weaponizing Antisemitism “Makes Jews of Color Less Safe”

Interview with Anna Rajagopoal

Anna Rajagopal speaks about what Judaism and anti-Zionism mean to them, what it’s like being a Jew of color, and how this controversy has been affecting them.

The Transformations of the Cuban Revolution

From Below or From Above?

Although the Cuban Revolution of 1959 had enormous popular support, especially in its early years, that support did not express itself in any autonomous initiative and control from below.

Screenshot of Cooperation Tulsa's projects from Restoration Garden, Flat Rock, Community Center

Creating a Future of Radical Democracy

Interview with Cooperation Tulsa

Since 2020, Cooperation Tulsa has been planting seeds of radical democracy in Oklahoma based on Indigenous values and social ecology. Aside from running a community center and gardening projects, they helped start the Symbiosis federation of horizontally-structured organizations aiming to “confront the present system while creating the future that will replace it.”

Why I am not a socialist

The goal must be a society in which all the world’s people could live well on a very small fraction of the present rich world average per capita resource consumption and ecological impact.

UFT Contract Negotiations Could Be Contentious

Contract talks for New York City teachers come at a challenging time

On Contradiction: Mao’s Party-Substitutionist Revolution in Theory and Practice – Part 2

Explaining and debunking the theory and practice of Maoism. Part 2.

The Conquest of Ukraine and the History of Russian Imperialism

Historically, Russian imperialism has been based on the ideas of “amassing Russian lands” and building a “unique and indivisible” Russian state.

Explaining Sri Lanka’s Economic Crisis

The Sri Lankan crisis has its roots in neoliberalism and an unjust global economic order.

Political Dimensions of the Crisis in Sri Lanka

The role of the various Sri Lankan political parties in the current crisis.

On Contradiction: Mao’s Party-Substitutionist Revolution in Theory and Practice. Part 1

Explaining and debunking the theory and practice of Maoism. Part 1.

Planning for Prosperity?

A Livable Future in Simulation and Reality

What can we learn from the new digital card game based on Half-Earth Socialism by Troy Vettese and Drew Pendergrass?

The Ukraine War Will End, But How?

The Ukraine war is a convergence of three wars: 1) Ukraine defending itself against the Russian invasion, 2) the inter-imperialist cold war between the US-led bloc of the established powers and the Russia-China bloc challenging them, and 3) the civil war between the Ukrainian government and Russian separatists.

The Necessity of Organizing DSA Members as Workers

Lastly, the synthesis of skills, experience, and political perspective required in the labor movement, and thereby in DSA’s labor work, are all ultimately based on the experience of organizing in the workplace and in the union.
