Category: Public health

Neoliberal Healthcare Fails the COVID Test

The decades of neoliberal restructuring, combined with this specific, Trump-led incompetence and just profound callousness towards the lives of working people, is going to lead to upwards of a quarter-of-a-million people dying from this overall.

Reimagining the Frontline from Heaven’s Edge

“I hated unions,” says Sathya Vani, now Joint-President of Sri Lanka’s Domestic Workers’ Union (DWU). “My parents were part of a union, who did nothing for them. So for a long time I avoided trade unions.”
Vani’s parents . . .

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Trump Puts Business before Health as Country Reopens

President Donald Trump has now announced a three-phase plan for reopening the country, though many medical experts have expressed doubts and 81 percent of Americans believe we should not reopen until it is safe to do so. Putting profits ahead of people, Trump puts the entire country at risk.

An Evil King Rules an Afflicted Land: Coronavirus and the Depression in America

This article was written for L’Anticapitaliste, la revue, the monthly journal of the New Anticapitalist Party (NPA) of France.
We in America live in what resembles some medieval fairy tale. An evil and maniacal king rules the plague stricken land. The . . .

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Coronavirus, Crisis, and Socialist Perspectives

Capitalism is a failed system that offers more pandemics, more economic crisis, more climate disaster, more oppression, and more war.

Thinking Out Loud about the End of Social Democracy

The Sanders challenge is over and the question for socialists is, where do we go from here? Up until recently this debate has ranged along familiar lines: the need for independent political action and the obstacles socialists face in recruiting . . .

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Where to Begin? Growing Seeds of Liberation in a World Torn Asunder

What faces us in the post-COVID-19 world as we struggle to uproot capitalism and its malignant racism, sexism, heterosexism, and environmental destruction, both in theory and in practice?

Political Struggle Amidst the Pandemic in the United States

Following over a month with large parts of the United States shutdown, the coronavirus hospitalization rate peaked last week, and the principal debate now is over when and how to restart the economy.

COVID-19 in the Age of Bolsonaro

As of April 14, 2020, Brazil has had 23,955 cases of COVID-19, including 1,361 deaths and rising daily mortality rates.1 And that is with only around 11 percent of total cases diagnosed, estimates the Center for Mathematical Modeling of Infectious . . .

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In the Tempest of Coronavirus: Racism and Class Struggle

This article was written for L’Anticapitaliste, the weekly newspaper of the New Anticapitalist Party (NPA) of France.
COVID-19 is now in all U.S. states with 530,026 cases and 20,614 deaths (as of April 12). Statistics suggest that the virus has peaked for . . .

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Class and Race Inequality, Health, and COVID-19

The demographic data collected and reported in the media for sickness and mortality rates due to COVID-19 has focused on age and to a certain extent gender. While mass hardship from unemployment has been widely reported, we have heard little . . .

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Are We “All in This Together”?

The coronavirus crisis has provoked different reactions. Many have responded with compassion, kindness, and solidarity. Some have used it as another opportunity for money gouging, scams, and rip offs. Collective human warmth and love has battled cold individual selfishness and . . .

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