Category: Labor

Unions and Democracy: A Response to Lois Weiner

When I think of the tasks before the labor movement, and even more so the left in general, I think not of how to shift the policy program of the AFT or even of SEIU, but of what it will take to organize Walmart and Amazon and now Google.

Reply to Klyczek

We shouldn’t assume that union and community efforts will inevitably succumb to corporate co-optation.

Community Schools and the Dangers of Ed Tech Privatization

Bottom-up democracy through community schools sounds like a great idea, but there are many dangers from these ‘charter schools on steroids.”

Community Schools Will Help Unions and Education

Community schools are a way to address the challenges faced by low-income school districts; they also provide a unique opportunity to create bottom-up, democratically controlled school governance.

Unions, Democracy, and the Third Camp

Comparing Lessons from New Politics and Herman Benson

An analysis of debates among labor leftists about how a commitment to socialism “from below” should inform union activity.

Workers of the World: Growth, Change, and Rebellion

An examination of the global working-class labor force in the twenty-first century.

Defend Iranian Woman Labor Leader Parvin Mohammadi

On December 21, 2020, the Iranian government sentenced Parvin Mohammadi, in absentia, to a year in prison on charges of “sedition.” She has refused to go to prison, continues to challenge the authorities, and has now gone into hiding.

In Defense of Kshama Sawant

The attempt to remove Kshama Sawant from her seat on Seattle’s City Council through a recall petition is a blatant attack on the democratic rights of constituents — and on the emergence of a new socialist left as a current in American politics.

Biden’s pick for Secretary of Education: What to expect from Cardona?

We should let Miguel Cardona know we have his back if he defends what schools, teachers, students really need – while we simultaneously prepare for his not doing so.

Teachers unions and the pandemic: Fighting for life and facing neoliberalism’s new bipartisan push

Biden will endorse the old normal Obama handed to Trump, but he will also push profiteering and control of education through technology, a project supported by both Democrats and the GOP from the start of Trump’s administration.

Workers Will Have to Fight to Make Gains Under Biden Presidency

Historically, workers made gains economically and politically during periods of labor upheaval. When workers used their power to strike, they were able to force employers and governments to make concessions.

Thanksgiving Approaches: Trump, the Virus, the Crisis

With the virus rampant, once again schools and businesses are closing, and more workers being laid off. We now have 20 million jobless, with ten million receiving federal unemployment benefits that will end with the New Year, as will protection for 30 million who face eviction. Not a happy Thanksgiving.

Say #ByeBetsy – and organize now to fight against Biden’s education policies

Biden’s victory now requires confronting his advocacy of disastrous education policies during the Obama administration, enacted under Obama’s Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan.

Fighting for teachers unions that speak back to power, defend students and social justice

School reopenings have become a point of political conflict on a national level, as parent, student, and teachers’ rights to have healthy, safe, equitable schools have been subordinated to the bipartisan consensus to put the economy and profit over human need.

Indonesia: Mass Strikes Show Intersection of Class, Gender, and Ecology

Over a million people have taken to the streets in Indonesia to protest a neoliberal law that would roll back labor protections, especially for working women, while also opening the road toward greater environmental destruction.

Capitalism Made Women of Color More Vulnerable to the COVID Recession

From the start of the pandemic, job losses for women have been so much greater than for men that some feminist policy makers have called this a “shecession,” in contrast with 2008. And “she” is most certainly a woman of color.

Joe Allen’s ‘Package King’ Delivers a Modern History of the Essential Worker

Danny Katch reviews Joe Allen’s “The Package King: A Rank-And-File History of UPS,” on the century-long fight of UPS workers to wrest a livable job out of a company that treats them as machinery and to organize within a union that too often has treated them as a dues-paying cash machine.

Herman Benson (1915-2020): No Socialism Without Democracy

Herman Benson, veteran socialist activist and fighter for rank-and-file democracy in the labour movement, died on 2 July, aged 104. Herman was the second-to-last survivor, at least to my knowledge, of the “first generation” of “third camp” socialists.

Surrogacy, Exploitation, and Commodification

An exchange between Sara Lee and Alexandra Holmstrom-Smith

Sara Lee and Alexandra Holmstrom-Smith debate the position that the left should take on surrogacy, arrangements where a woman agrees to bear a child for others.

Dark Satanic Mills

A review of Josh Freeman’s history of factories.

The Farm Equipment Workers

A History of Radical Labor

A review of Toni Gilpin’s history of labor struggles in the American heartland.
