Category: Labor

Mobbed-Up! The Untold Story of Sean O’Brien and Teamsters Local 25: A Rank-and-File Perspective

O’Brien is a man who will stop at nothing to achieve his ends. His past attacks on reformers demonstrate that he is a bully.

Three Authors Look at Work's Devastation of Life

How Work Is Killing Us

Three authors—Jamie McCallum, Sarah Jaffe, and Eyal Press– have published important books that examine work and its discontents, in pre-pandemic form.

Going into Labor

Going into Labor

Expecting working people to do the jobs for which they are paid and also help organize their workplaces is a huge ask. One invaluable asset we have is seeing the inseparability of struggles for social justice and workplace democracy.

The IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report: A Green-Syndicalist Analysis

Since publication of its first assessment report in 1990, the IPCC has borne witness to the ever-worsening problem of anthropogenic climate disruption, together with what amounts to humanity’s suicidal failure to address the factors threatening collective destruction.

On Remembering Stanley Aronowitz

Brother Stanley Aronowitz was always ahead of the curve, with his criticism of the shortcomings of old labor and his envisioning of “a new workers movement” that might replace it.

The Inaugural Historical Materialism East Asia Conference – Information Here

We think readers of New Politics may want to know about (and participate in)  the inaugural Historical Materialism East Asia conference (online).

“Conscious Linkage”

The Proletarianization of Academic Labor in the Algorithmic University

The attempt to deskill teaching in higher education is hardly new. Technology is being used to transform the academic worker into a “conscious linkage” of the machine.

Nigeria: #EndSARS, Workers’ Power, and War

In October 2020, millions in Nigeria marched for two weeks in a revolt that shook the world. From Badagry to Yola, youth and workers rose in unity against the barbarism of police brutality and bad governance. Raising radical slogans and . . .

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South Africa

“The Masses Are Not Protected”

Post-Apartheid Symptoms of Morbidity

Everyone’s focus is on trying to save what is dying in South Africa. Few are paying attention to what is struggling to be born.

How Contingent Faculty Organizing Can Succeed in Higher Education

Power Despite Precarity is not just a solid guide to best practices in day-to-day trade union work within higher education. It’s also a rousing call for the contingent faculty movement to embrace grassroots, rather than top-down, organizing.

Democratic Socialists of America Faces Challenges at Convention

Without fear of Donald Trump and hope in Bernie Sanders, DSA seems to have lost some of its energy. There has been less membership participation in preparation for this convention.

Learning from Industrialization’s Mixed Legacy

Notes on Class Struggle Unionism under Biden

In my remarks I look back at the tradition of the Third Camp, articulated in publications of and about the Workers Party and Independent Socialist League, as well as my involvement in Berkeley with the Independent Socialist Club and the International Socialists.

The Unions Our Educators & Communities Deserve

This action dialogue on Monday, May 3 will focus on the many roles of unions during these increasingly complex times for educators, learners, families, and communities. Speakers include New Politics editorial board member Lois Weiner.

Postmortem on Bessemer Amazon Defeat

It is important to look at the union’s strategy, comparing it to both other failed campaigns (especially of the UAW in Mississippi, Tennessee, and Kentucky), but also to a variety of mostly less publicized campaigns which were in fact successful.

Heads up! Chins down! Resisting the New Bipartisan Neoliberal Project in Education

Teachers’ work is being transformed beneath our collective nose. We have missed an opportunity to combat the project in its earliest stages but we cannot delay in understanding and combating the new iteration of neoliberalism’s global project in education.

Union Democracy and “The Final Goal”

Union democracy or more accurately the transformation of major unions into living democratic participatory organizations and cultures is a necessity precisely because of the corporations’ massive powers of resistance.

Can Amazon Be Organized? In Alabama They’re Trying

In Bessemer, Alabama, 5,800 warehouse workers will vote this month on whether or not they want a union at the Amazon facility there. If they vote to unionize, it will be the first successful union campaign at Amazon in the United States.

Mumia Time or Sweeney Time

Dave Roediger wrote in 2000, “[T]he extent to which Abu-Jamal knows that he needs to identify with the labor movement, and that some in the labor movement know that they need to support him, signals what the working class movement is becoming and can be.”

State-Corporatist Alliance and Farmers’ Unrest in India

The ongoing Indian farmers’ protest in reaction to corporatisation of agricultural land and access to Mandis (open markets) demands an urgent legal reexamination of its impact on agrarian labour and small-scale farmers.

Union Democracy is Our Goal But Is It Practical? Responding to Nelson Lichtenstein

Nelson Lichtenstein and I agree on two major ideas that I think distinguish our shared viewpoint from the practice of many union officials and some of their supporters on the left.


China’s Workers Battle Apple and Foxconn

Foxconn promises the world but delivers hell, as the authors lay bare.
