Category: Labor

Engaging Federici on Marx, Capitalism, and Social Reproduction

The collection of essays delivers a relatively cohesive critique of Marx’s ideas and influence—one that is, to my mind, balanced if not always fair. 

Education Reforms and Capitalism’s Changes to Work

Lessons for the Left

Weiner discusses education reform and prospects for resistance in recent years.

Precarity and Green Unionism

In a real sense, under capitalism, all workers are precarious, meaning that they can be downsized, replaced, deskilled, outsourced, and so on. It’s simply a matter of degree.

Mike Parker: Socialist, Labor Educator, Political Activist – 1940-2022

Mike Parker spent his entire adult life engaged in movements and organizations that he believed would advance the struggle for the creation of a democratic socialist society.

Education Reforms and Capitalism’s Changes to Work: Lessons for the Left

[Editor’s note: An archived version of the event can be seen here:]
Join us January 20, 7:30pm (Eastern) to discuss what we need to learn and do to resist changes capitalism has made to labor and schools since Trump’s election . . .

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Education Reforms and Capitalism’s Changes to Work

Join us for a webinar Jan. 20, 2022, 7:30 pm (EST) as Lois Weiner and teacher union activists discuss how the revived attacks on teachers and their unions reflect capitalism’s chilling alteration of work. Details will be posted shortly.

Liberals Look To Weingarten, Again, To Betray Teachers, Parents, and Students

Randi Weingarten, President of the American Federation of Teachers, is once again doing the work of big money.

U.S. Strikes of 2021 in Context : What’s Happening and Why?

By now you will have read about the strikes of 2021. For one thing, there are more of them, some in industries where we haven’t seen many strikes for a while like retail, entertainment, or major manufacturing firms; others in . . .

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Social Resistance to the Health Pass

Continuing debate about the health pass and social resistance in France: The editorial board of Aplutsoc responds to New Politics’ coverage.

Tenure is the Easy Target but the Wrong One

The attacks on tenure are really just part of an orchestrated attempt to lower labor standards by decreasing job security for workers across the board while weakening higher education.

The “Striketober” Debate in America

Throughout October and November, the media and especially the Left have been reporting what they called a “strike wave.” Is there one?

The Great Resignation: A Workers’ Movement in America

Over the last several months, millions of American workers have quit their jobs: about four million every month since spring. And the trend of saying, “I quit!” goes on.

France’s Union: Between Dead Ends and Renewal

The national day of strikes and demonstrations organized in France on 5 October was not a failure, but the mobilization was average in terms of demonstrations and weak in terms of strikes.

Contingent Faculty Activism Pushes Legislation into Congressional Budget Reconciliation

The rising movement among contingent faculty has pushed bills onto CA Gov. Newsom’s desk and into the budget reconciliation process in Congress.

The Kronstadt Revolt of 1921 as a part of the Great Russian Revolution

The March revolution of 1921, initiated by “Red Kronstadt”, had to complete the cause of the February and October revolutions of 1917. In this context, the Kronstadt revolt of 1921 appears as an integral part of the revolutionary process that took several years.

Mobbed Up!

The Forgotten History of William McCarthy and Boston Teamsters Local 25

A Rank-and-File Perspective

By understanding the Teamsters past, union members can acquire the ability to become agents of their own history and change its course.

French Anti-Pass Demonstrations on the Eve of the Presidential Election

The fragmentation of the left has led to an almost certain second-round dual between Macron and Le Pen in 2022, with grave implications for the future of an explicitly left mass movement.

Mobbed-Up! The Untold Story of Sean O’Brien and Teamsters Local 25: A Rank-and-File Perspective

O’Brien is a man who will stop at nothing to achieve his ends. His past attacks on reformers demonstrate that he is a bully.

Three Authors Look at Work's Devastation of Life

How Work Is Killing Us

Three authors—Jamie McCallum, Sarah Jaffe, and Eyal Press– have published important books that examine work and its discontents, in pre-pandemic form.

Going into Labor

Going into Labor

Expecting working people to do the jobs for which they are paid and also help organize their workplaces is a huge ask. One invaluable asset we have is seeing the inseparability of struggles for social justice and workplace democracy.

The IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report: A Green-Syndicalist Analysis

Since publication of its first assessment report in 1990, the IPCC has borne witness to the ever-worsening problem of anthropogenic climate disruption, together with what amounts to humanity’s suicidal failure to address the factors threatening collective destruction.
