Category: Far Right

Erich Fromm, Escape from Freedom, & Pseudo-Populist Authoritarianism

Remer analyzes far-right politics in light of Erich Fromm’s psychoanalytic theory.

Biden’s Speech on January 6 Insurrection and the Growth of America’s Far Right

But the rise of rightwing politics and authoritarianism and of armed groups preparing for violent action is an even greater problem than Biden’s speech suggests and neither mainstream Democrats, nor progressives, nor the left, seems to have a strategy to stop the rise of the right.

Where Are We on Thanksgiving Day in America?

I give thanks that there’s a chance that in the coming year we can begin to build a mass working class movement and an independent working-class political party.

Verdict in Rittenhouse Vigilante Trial Leads to Protest by Left and Jubilation on Right

The Rittenhouse verdict has encouraged and emboldened America’s fascists—and they are taking advantage of it.

The Fight Against Antisemitism is the Fight for Total Liberation

In Confronting Antisemitism on the Left, Daniel Randall challenges socialists to confront antisemitism with the same vigor they have taken on other struggles against oppression.

Socialists and Free Speech Revisited

How should socialists who support democratic rights approach current controversies regarding the practical application of the right to free speech? This review essay explores this question discussing David Renton’s recent book. 

French Anti-Pass Demonstrations on the Eve of the Presidential Election

The fragmentation of the left has led to an almost certain second-round dual between Macron and Le Pen in 2022, with grave implications for the future of an explicitly left mass movement.

Deplatforming: The Risk of Success

Deplatforming has deep flaws, and reliance on it tends to reinforce unhealthy top-down dynamics within the left.

Can a Disoriented Storming of the Center Lead to Organizational Maturity?

Why was the American far right, the least organized among advanced capitalist nations, able to mount the (apparently) most threatening attack on the institutions of liberal democracy?

Twenty-First-Century Fascism: Where We Are

It is now clear that the seemingly inexorable dynamic of fascization has experienced a significant setback. The most evident sign of this change came with Trump’s defeat in November 2020.

Right Campaigns to End Abortion in America

White Evangelical churches, which are the driving force of the anti-abortion movement, are also a core constituency of the Republican Party and the most fervent supporters of former president Trump.

Why Have the Republicans Gone Off the Deep End? Is it All Because of Trump?

The social and economic crisis of capitalism has radicalized sections of the middle class. It has also driven sections of smaller corporate capital in a more desperate right wing direction.

Political lessons the left should learn from Donald Trump

The issues that gave rise to Trump still exist, and so far, they aren’t being adequately addressed by the Biden administration. Meanwhile, the Trump wing continues its domination of the Republican Party. The country is still deep in the woods.

The coup that wasn’t: Why Donald Trump failed to steal the White House

Trump’s attempts to retain office despite losing the election failed for a simple reason: the complete absence of any interest among leading capitalists or state bureaucrats to eradicate or even weaken the Constitutional order in order to extend Trump’s presidency.

Against the Global Police State

It is not only in the US that we see the fusion of Big Tech with militarized police forces and the slide into anti-democratic and authoritarian political systems. These are worldwide trends rooted in the structural contradictions of contemporary global capitalism.

Trump Acquitted, Biden Builds Business Support for Relief

While Trump remains a major figure and his mass base a serious problem, today his party is weaker than ever. While Republican disarray benefits Democrats, Biden’s party still faces COVID, economic depression, climate change, and racism.

Biden Moves Ahead as Republicans Line Up Behind Trump

President Joseph Biden, in office for less than a month, continued to move ahead with his plan to solve the American health and economic crises and to reassert U.S. global dominance. As he pushes ahead with his relief program, Republicans have lined up behind Trump.

Authoritarianism and Resistance in India

Samantha Agarwal discusses the foundations of BJP rule in India and prospects for resistance. (From our Summer 2020 issue.)

Biden's Inauguration

Challenge for the Left, Launching a Movement against the Washington Status Quo

As Biden enters office, the left must properly reflect on what has been perhaps the most contemptible administration in US history, to launch a movement of our own against the bipartisan neoliberal and imperialist hegemony.

Fighting the Far Right in the Biden Era: Discussion on Sunday, Jan. 24

New Politics is co-sponsoring an online discussion of how the Left can organize to fight the Far Right under the incoming Biden administration, scheduled for Sunday, January 24th at 2:00 pm ET/ 11 am PT.

Towards a Year of Crisis and Uncertainty

Will the left be seen as jeopardizing the desire for a period of stability after the insurrection? Will Black Lives Mater demonstrations seem too extreme? Or might the depth of the crisis combined with pressure from the left push Biden to adopt more far-reaching progressive economic and social policies?
