Category: Civil Liberties/Repression

Czech Grandmothers with Ukraine

A Conversation with Czech Activist Anna Ŝabatová

A sketch of a long-time human rights activist

“Cancel Culture” and Its Perils

There is no question that “cancel culture” is a legitimate tool of a vibrant democratic culture, especially as it allows the powerless to redress the abuses and the offensive behavior directed at them by powerful public figures.


White Torture

Frieda Afary reviews a collection of interviews with 12 women political prisoners in Iran.


Against the Law

The perils and possibilities of law as a tool for social transformation have been debated by legal scholars and advocates for social justice for many years.

Laurent Schwartz: The Vicissitudes of an Internationalist

The first of an occasional series of articles on the lives of figures of the French left.
For more than a decade, from 1936 to 1947, Laurent Schwartz (1915-2002), the famous mathematician, was a Trotskyist in France, though that was only one . . .

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China: Making the World Safe for Capitalism

Peter Ranis discusses repression, exploitation, and ecological devastation in China’s authoritarian capitalism.

Their Values and Ours: The Debate over Western Values and the Values of the Socialist Left

Where does the Left stand and where should it stand on this question of “Western values”?

Statement of Solidarity & Support for WALDEN BELLO amidst Narco-Tagging incident

Support Walden Bello from an attempt to smear him as a narco-terrorist

Statement on the Temporary ‘Ban’ on Some Parties

Response of Ukrainian socialists to the ban on some political parties

We Who Are in Prison Escape Every Day

Students and Women Organizing Against Israeli Occupation: An Interview with Layan Kayed

Layan Kayed, who was imprisoned by Israel for her activism, discusses organizing by students and women.

Roe v. Wade in Red and Blue

It is a safe bet that Roe v. Wade will not fare well in the Supreme Court’s 2021-22 Term.

The Abortion Crisis and the Legacy of Activism

The history of the erosion of Roe v. Wade is marked by misguided and failed movement reliance on electoral politics and legalistic strategy.

The Two Souls of Aplutsoc

John Barzman responds to Aplutsoc’s criticisms of his interview with New Politics about social resistance to the French health pass.

Social Resistance to the Health Pass

Continuing debate about the health pass and social resistance in France: The editorial board of Aplutsoc responds to New Politics’ coverage.

The Suicidal Democracy

House of Cards Being Blown Apart

The Freedom in the World 2021 report has unveiled 2020 to be the 15th consecutive year of decline in democracy across the world.

Beyond Tragedy: Postscript on Kronstadt at 100

To avoid repeating the Kronstadt tragedy, and to build toward principled world revolution, we can commit to organizing transnational solidarity and speaking out against all forms of authoritarian repression.

The Kronstadt Revolt of 1921 as a part of the Great Russian Revolution

The March revolution of 1921, initiated by “Red Kronstadt”, had to complete the cause of the February and October revolutions of 1917. In this context, the Kronstadt revolt of 1921 appears as an integral part of the revolutionary process that took several years.

Kronstadt at 100

On the 100th anniversary of the Kronstadt events, New Politics is hosting a symposium on the historic tragedy, its meaning and significance, and its implications for today’s socialists.

Socialists and Free Speech Revisited

How should socialists who support democratic rights approach current controversies regarding the practical application of the right to free speech? This review essay explores this question discussing David Renton’s recent book. 

Learning about Prisons

A Personal Reflection

Even before I’d been inside a prison, I was sympathetic to the circumstances of some people who are incarcerated.
I’d twice interviewed former professional boxer Rubin “Hurricane” Carter, who spent almost twenty years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit. . . .

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Social Explosion in Cuba: The Ignored Signals

In my opinion, there are two determining factors that have led to this moment of malaise. On the one hand, the inability of our rulers to channel a successful reform path…On the other hand, there is the ability of citizens to submit this incapacity to public judgment, which is something new.
