Author: Phil Gasper

Ten Aphorisms on Capitalism, Covid-19, and the Climate Crisis

The climate crisis, and by extension, the COVID-19 crisis, is a prolonged act of violence perpetrated on the 99% by capitalism’s accumulation for accumulation’s sake.

Can We Save the Postal Service?

The U.S. Postal Service is in deep trouble. The postal Board of Governors has asked Congress for $75 billion to keep the agency afloat; without it, the outgoing Postmaster General said, USPS could “run out of cash” by September.

Socialist Organizing in the Era of COVID-19

A socialist movement is being revived, and people are watching in real time how the capitalist system drives their lives into chaos again and again.

Planet of the Capitalists

Planet of the Humans follows a sensationalist path toward the needed debate over climate and capitalism. Worse, it takes an utterly wrong and dangerous position on population.

Anticapitalist strategy and the question of organization

No matter how much times passes, or how often history is declared to have ended, the debate over socialist strategy and organization always returns.

Coronavirus and Racism

This crisis is exposing all the problems of capitalism—especially racism. In our fights for personal protective equipment, unemployment benefits, healthcare for all, safe work environments, rent relief, etc., we should link these issues together with the systems which produced it.

Still Facing Reality: A Reply to Our Critics

Ashley Smith and Charles Post respond to criticisms of their article “Facing Reality: The Socialist Left, the Sanders Campaign and Our Future.”

Neoliberal Healthcare Fails the COVID Test

The decades of neoliberal restructuring, combined with this specific, Trump-led incompetence and just profound callousness towards the lives of working people, is going to lead to upwards of a quarter-of-a-million people dying from this overall.

A Therapist’s Perspective On Rape, Trauma, Tara Reade, and Credibility

A psychotherapist and expert witness in the field of rape and sexual abuse responds to Michael Stern’s doubts about Reade.

Coronavirus and Capitalist Crisis

Everything we have said about the nature of capitalism and what it does to working-class people around the globe is being affirmed in a frightening way but also one which tells us how important our analysis, our politics, and our organizing is.

In Memoriam: Neil Davidson (1957-2020)

It is with great regret that we report the death earlier today of the Marxist writer and activist Neil Davidson at the age of 62.

Left Politics after Sanders: Think Internationally, Historically and Dialectically

Not many leftists need convincing that Biden is uninspiring; but you can’t effectively fight this year’s lesser evil with some misty vision of a better political alternative in some indefinite future.

Coronavirus, Crisis, and Socialist Perspectives

Capitalism is a failed system that offers more pandemics, more economic crisis, more climate disaster, more oppression, and more war.

Thanks, Bernie!

I suggest closing your eyes and visualizing what U.S. politics would have looked like if Bernie Sanders had not launched his campaigns for President.

An Appeal for Dialectical Polemics: A Reply to Post and Smith

In their recent article for New Politics, Charlie Post and Ashley Smith lay out what is a serious point of view within the socialist movement. I particularly agree with their insistence that the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) can play . . .

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Against False Dichotomies

Bernie Sanders Suspends his Campaign
In the aftermath of Bernie Sanders’s suspension of his presidential campaign, analysis of what went wrong and possible ways forward will be essential, if painful, for the American Left. Understandably, those who went “all in” for . . .

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Building Class Power, Not Electoralism, Is the Future of the Left

In his recent piece “Mass Politics, Not Movementism, Is the Future of the Left,”  Paul Heideman aims to convince the Left that a strategy built primarily around “mass politics” (by which he implicitly means national electoral activity) is still the . . .

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