Author: newpolitics

DSA and Russia’s War on Ukraine: Toward a Mass Movement of Solidarity with Ukraine

A critique of the DSA International Committee’s stance on Ukraine

Ukraine: “Which Peace Are We Talking About?” An Interview with Gilbert Achcar

Achcar clarifies and expands his argument on the position the left should take on peace in Ukraine

A brief response about my purported “change of position”

A response to Jean Vogel’s critique of Achcar’s “For a democratic antiwar position on the invasion of Ukraine.”

The strange change of position of Gilbert Achcar

A reply to Achcar’s “For a democratic antiwar position on the invasion of Ukraine”

Iran: Secular Revolt against Clerical Tyranny

Background and prospects for the Iranian protests

For a democratic antiwar position on the invasion of Ukraine

Some basic principles for avoiding the twin dangers of favoring the aggressor and extreme nationalism.

Statement by Ukrainian Feminists in Solidarity with Iranian Women

Ukrainian feminists see themselves as part of the same struggle as that of Iranian women

“Professor Oscar-René Vargas must be released. His physical integrity assured, as well as all his rights.”

A call for the release of a political prisoner in Nicaragua

The Decline of Rentier Communism in Cuba

Recent developments in the political economy of Cuba

Czech Grandmothers with Ukraine

A Conversation with Czech Activist Anna Ŝabatová

A sketch of a long-time human rights activist

What is the significance of the Saudi oil decision?

What are we to make of the Saudi vote to cut OPEC+ oil production?

Interview on the War in Ukraine with Noam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky replies to some questions regarding his views on the Ukraine war.

21st Century Revolution

A review of activist Ted Glick’s case for a better world, based on higher love, racial justice, and democratic cooperation

Iran Protests Against Compulsory Hijab and State Violence

At this time, international solidarity with women in Iran is critically important in order to help the continuation of the current courageous wave of protests in defense of women and against state brutality.

Ukraine and the Dangers of Nuclear War

Should we oppose arms to Ukraine because of the risks of nuclear war?

The Woke Capitalist Attack on Breastfeeding

‘Lean-in’ feminists go after breastfeeding

Is America in the Grip of Social Madness?

How can we understand the Trump voter?


It is urgent to end the war in Ukraine. But to achieve this goal,

Why the peace movement should support Ukraine

UFT Contract Negotiations Could Be Contentious

Contract talks for New York City teachers come at a challenging time

Explaining Sri Lanka’s Economic Crisis

The Sri Lankan crisis has its roots in neoliberalism and an unjust global economic order.

Political Dimensions of the Crisis in Sri Lanka

The role of the various Sri Lankan political parties in the current crisis.
