Author: Dan La Botz

Will Biden Be Another Roosevelt?

Biden’s progressive domestic policy is motivated by a desire to rebuild America so as to reestablish the global hegemony of American imperialism.

Chauvin’s Conviction and the Future of Policing

The Chauvin conviction was momentous, and could be a turning point, but police reform ultimately depends on building a popular movement for reform in education, health, housing, as well as ending police racism and violence.

Biden to Remove U.S. Troops from Afghanistan

The U.S.-Afghanistan War, which has lasted almost twenty years, has cost the United States 2,300 soldiers’ lives and two trillion dollars, while more than 100,000 Afghanis have been killed.

Union Organizing Drive at Amazon Fails—Why? What Next?

In a major setback for the U.S. labor movement, last week the union organizing drive at the giant Amazon facility in Bessemer, Alabama defeated.

As American Life Returns to Normal, Mass Shootings Resume

Most Americans, 60%, now favor stricter gun control laws, up by almost ten percent from a few years ago. Yet the U.S. government has proven unable to do anything about this problem. Why is that?

The Children at the Border and the Question of Immigration  

Many of these migrants are coming from Central America and Mexico, the former region devastated by the U.S. support for rightwing governments in civil wars of the 1980s and early 1990s, and the latter still suffering from the North American Free Trade Agreement.

Biden’s Plan to Revamp American Imperialism

American socialists face the task of opposing American imperialism while showing internationalist solidarity with struggles for democracy, social reforms, and socialism in countries around the world.

Does Biden’s American Rescue Plan Open a New Era of Reform?

Democrats claim that Biden’s ARP continues the work of Roosevelt and Johnson and that it will transform America. Yet, while these reforms are much needed, none of the programs begins to transform the fundamental structures of American capitalism.

Can Amazon Be Organized? In Alabama They’re Trying

In Bessemer, Alabama, 5,800 warehouse workers will vote this month on whether or not they want a union at the Amazon facility there. If they vote to unionize, it will be the first successful union campaign at Amazon in the United States.

U.S. Politics and the Financing of Political Groups in Cuba

Sam Farber contributes to the ongoing debates among Cuban critics, dissidents and oppositionists about U.S. financing of Cuban political groups.

Movement Grows to Stop Anti-Asian Hate

The recent growth of anti-Asian hate can be attributed largely to former President Donald Trump who referred to COVID-19 as the “China virus” or the “Kung Flu” to the cheers of the tens of thousands of supporters at his rallies.

Climate Change Comes to Republican Texas Producing a Disaster

Twenty years ago, Republicans took over Texas’ governorship, house, and senate and then deregulated and neglected the state’s energy systems, leading to this catastrophe.

A Memorial for my Marxist Mentor: On Leo Panitch

Leo Panitch was a genuine organic intellectual. He was a great teacher and a good friend. He should not have left us so soon and so suddenly. But we should all be grateful for what he gave to the left, to his students, to his comrades.

Trump Acquitted, Biden Builds Business Support for Relief

While Trump remains a major figure and his mass base a serious problem, today his party is weaker than ever. While Republican disarray benefits Democrats, Biden’s party still faces COVID, economic depression, climate change, and racism.

Biden Moves Ahead as Republicans Line Up Behind Trump

President Joseph Biden, in office for less than a month, continued to move ahead with his plan to solve the American health and economic crises and to reassert U.S. global dominance. As he pushes ahead with his relief program, Republicans have lined up behind Trump.

A Novel Challenge to the 1% as Populism Comes to the Stock Market

America’s contemporary populist impulse that gave us both the Bernie Sanders progressive campaign and Donald Trump’s reactionary Make America Great Again, has now given us the small trader rebellion against the hedge funds.

Why Does Racism Survive?

Why does this anachronistic ideology survive, and even at times such as these, seemingly flourish? Obviously, the institutions of slavery no longer nourish racism. What then is its wavelike revival rooted in?

Biden Will have a Short Honeymoon

The current celebratory mood of the Democrats and the honeymoon with the president is not likely to last long, given both who Biden is and the health and economic challenges that he faces.

Towards a Year of Crisis and Uncertainty

Will the left be seen as jeopardizing the desire for a period of stability after the insurrection? Will Black Lives Mater demonstrations seem too extreme? Or might the depth of the crisis combined with pressure from the left push Biden to adopt more far-reaching progressive economic and social policies?

Desperado in the White House: Coup Fails, Trump Faces Impeachment

We have to call this a failed coup because the intent was to overturn the election of Joseph Biden by forcing vice-president Mike Pence and the Congress to declare Trump the president. It was an attempt to overthrow the incoming elected government by force.

Reginald Wilson: A Black American Socialist (1927-2020)

Reginald Wilson, the prominent African American psychologist and educator, civil rights activist and socialist, and a member of the New Politics board, died on December 13, 2020 at the age of 93.
