Author: Dan Fischer

State-Corporatist Alliance and Farmers’ Unrest in India

The ongoing Indian farmers’ protest in reaction to corporatisation of agricultural land and access to Mandis (open markets) demands an urgent legal reexamination of its impact on agrarian labour and small-scale farmers.

How the GameStop Saga Fell Short

The Wall Street establishment’s swift suppression of GameStop trading has illuminated how the endless drive for profit, inherent in capitalism, extends not just to destroying the lives and jobs of the working class, but even to thwarting the market itself.

Letter to Mass Peace Action and Peace Action NY State

Any group or entity that calls itself progressive must stand against oppression everywhere. An apologist for Assad’s genocidal regime and his Russian backers should not be normalized nor considered a valid source of information.

Using an Award Ceremony to Support the Syrian Struggle

What can be done to show solidarity with Syrians who have risen up against their tyrannical government and its bloody allies? We in Promoting Enduring Peace thought a great gesture would be to give our Gandhi Peace Award to Syrians doing humanitarian work.

Exhaustion of signifiers: the current political crisis in Bolivia

This exhaustion of signifiers is one of the characteristics of the political moment Bolivia is living, in which, apparently, everyone wants the same things, but conceives them in opposite ways.

The Red Herring of Liberal Representational Feminism

From the appointment of Justice Barrett, to the silencing of Malala Yousafzai’s socialism, and women’s leadership in the military industrial complex, individualistic, representational feminism proves both inaccurate and dangerous.

The Hunger of Vibrant Matter: Materialism and Food in the Pandemic

The fundamental contradiction between production for exchange (profit) versus production for use (need) is the source not only of intermittent food deprivation, but of chronic and acute, life-threatening hunger for hundreds of millions of people worldwide.

The Me Too Movement in Iran: What Is New About It? What Can It Learn From Abolitionist Feminism in U.S.?

Thousands of women and some men have started to speak publicly on social media about their experiences of sexual harassment, abuse, assault and rape.

Abortion Clinic Defense: A Testimony

Pro-lifers tear down women. All of us. Even their own. They call themselves pro-life, but they’re really just pro-control. They care nothing for quality of life outside the womb. They would rather stand between a person seeking health care and reproductive justice than stand between a bulldozer and a tent that is someone’s home.

World Congress in Defense of Public Education, Sept 26-27

The following invitation to participate in the First World Congress in Defense of Public Education and Against Educational Neoliberalism was written by a broad coalition of educators in Latin America and Europe.

Lysenko Comes to the CDC: Exploring the Relationship Between Science and Politics

The specter of Lysenko is haunting the CDC and the entire Trump administration, revealing that the perversion of science is as likely in a capitalist democracy as it is in a Stalinist state, and always with dire consequences.

Living As If Another World Were Possible: Goodbye, David Graeber!

Growing up hearing his father recount experiences in Anarchist-run Barcelona as a Lincoln Brigade volunteer, David Graeber, a renowned anthropologist and organizer, lived according to a lifelong belief that a far fairer world was possible.

When NYC Jewish Organizations Enthusiastically Supported Boycotts

The Jewish establishment has condemned the NYC Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) for asking candidates if they would forgo plans to take trips to Israel as an act of solidarity with Palestinians. Of course it’s a croc. It’s also hypocrisy.

Comment on “Popular Rebellion & Imperialist designs”

The anthropologist and activist David Graeber died earlier this week. Here, we repost remarks that he made in response to Gilbert Achcar at the time of the NATO bombing of Libya in 2011, as a testament to Graeber’s political commitments and acumen.

Commercial Surrogacy: A Reply to Sara Lee

This is the final entry in a debate that began in our Summer 2020 issue, sparked by Holmstrom-Smith’s review of Sophie Lewis’ recent book Full Surrogacy Now: Feminism Against Family (Verso, 2019).

“They are all implicated”: An Interview with Joey Ayoub on the Beirut Explosion

On August 4th, an explosion of nearly 3,000 tons of ammonium nitrate at the port of Beirut, Lebanon, left more than 170 dead, thousands wounded, and hundreds of thousands homeless.

A Green Recovery and the Fight Ahead to Avoid a Return to Business-as-Usual 

As lockdowns ease, we must restart our presence on the streets, solidifying movements like Extinction Rebellion, and we must not allow the Neoliberal elites and their alt-right allies to coopt the conversation around the economic recovery.

On the Attack on Robert Cuffy at the Mass March to Defund the NYPD

While leading Monday June 29th’s Mass March to Defund the NYPD & Abolish the Police, Robert Cuffy was filming the march when he was blindsided and tackled by an unidentified man who then slammed Robert into another car, dislocating his shoulder. Police released the attacker without charges.

Another Martyr and a Call for Mass Rallies to Inspire the CT Legislature

George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Rayshard Brooks, are names made famous in their martyrdom, blacks killed this year by police. Another name should be added, a young black man named Mubarak Soulemane. The 19-year-old was shot dead in West Haven, Connecticut on January 15 by a state trooper.

The U.S. protests: Lessons from Syria

In the spirit of solidarity with those on the streets, Leila Al Shami offers lessons from the Syrian revolution that might be applicable to the uprising against police violence in the United States.

The New Deal Against the Environmentalists

Not only was the “greenest” of the original New Deal programs not established by nascent environmentalists, it was also internally fractured by their influence.
