Privatization in education globally: a "non-conference" with real attendees



A "non-conference" organized by two education faculty at NYU on April 12-14 brings together researchers and activists in what I hope will be (as they say in diplomatic circles) a "frank exchange of ideas" about privatization in education, globally. The idea is to get away from typical conference formats of paper presentations so as to encourage participants to really learn from and with one another. The panels on April 12 and 13, from 6:30-8:30pm will be open to the public. Both presidents of the national teachers unions in the US, AFT and NEA, will be responding to remarks on the panel in which we'll discuss "Teachers on the front lines: The global response." Should be fun!

      The panel April 12, also 6:30-8:30 is worth attending as well. More information is on the "non-conference" website, including location:
The Facebook page is

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4 comments on “Privatization in education globally: a "non-conference" with real attendees
  1. Dianne Khan says:

    Live Streaming? Will the conference be live streamed, for those of us who can only attend remotely? I do hope so, as this is a global issue and I’d love to attend remotely.

  2. Edgar Holroyd-Doveton says:

    Film and Share Would be good to film the event and then share the outcomes

  3. Baba Victor B Gibson says:

    Culturally Relevant Curriculum Exclusion It seems that the importance of Culturally Relevant Curriculum ( CRC) is not being considered/included in the discussion of education for the most vulnerable students! If PRIVATIZATION of Education is a direction for public schools then why are there no African Centered Education models being considered. CRC has proven research that indicates how effective and critical it is to children of African Descendant. Education that heals children affected by Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome (PTSS). One would think that a frank and honest discussion on how children impacted by PTSS would need a Special Education to combat this very specific condition. Why are the majority of privatization/reform efforts overwhelmingly in the Urban Schools Districts with little or no Community Engagement? Where the disenfranchised populace has no decision in how these Reforms will assist THEIR CHILDREN FUTURES! Would you allow a veterinarian doctor to operate on a human?

  4. Baba Victor B Gibson says:

    NATIONAL EDUCATION MOVEMENT. It’s way beyond time for those who genuinely want to educate African Descendants to a “Healthy Mental Condition” . Time out for “good intentions and well meaning ” folks with little or no understanding of those different from themselves! EDUCATION MATTERS. IGNORANCE LEADS TO DARKNESS…DARKNESS BREEDS HATE…HATE NURTURES VIOLENCE! It maybe confined to the inner cities now…but it will NOT REMAIN WITHIN IT BORDERS. LET US HEAL OUR CHILDREN THEN ALL AMERICA WILL BENEFIT! If not…then all America will suffer! Choose OUR Path Correctly!

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