Privatization in education globally: a "non-conference" with real attendees


A "non-conference" organized by two education faculty at NYU on April 12-14 brings together researchers and activists in what I hope will be (as they say in diplomatic circles) a "frank exchange of ideas" about privatization in education, globally. The idea is to get away from typical conference formats of paper presentations so as to encourage participants to really learn from and with one another. The panels on April 12 and 13, from 6:30-8:30pm will be open to the public. Both presidents of the national teachers unions in the US, AFT and NEA, will be responding to remarks on the panel in which we'll discuss "Teachers on the front lines: The global response." Should be fun!

      The panel April 12, also 6:30-8:30 is worth attending as well. More information is on the "non-conference" website, including location:
The Facebook page is