Place: Western Europe

What’s Happening in France?

The French collective Aplusoc (Arguments for the Social Struggle) argues that recent protests in France do not represent a reactionary wave.

British Politics: Racism and the Tories

Culture wars are central to the Tory government’s current political strategy, not least because they cannot deliver material benefits to their voting base. Charlie Hore reports from Britain.

Marx’s Commune

An Appreciation and a Critique

For the 150th anniversary of the Paris Commune, an analysis of Marx’s views on the Commune and its historical possibilities.

Understanding the Paris Commune On its 150th Anniversary

What is the significance of the Paris Commune for us today? A model for socialists? A heroic failure? Negation of the state? Or the first workers’ government?

France’s Confusing Political Demonstrations on July 24 – Another Planned for July 31

An interview with longtime French left activist Patrick Silberstein on the current demonstrations in France

Either-Or: Rosa Luxemburg and Internationalism

An exploration of Luxemburg’s proletarian internationalism and its lessons for today.

Some Good News–Support for Palestinians is Growing

It may be hard to believe, but against the background of daily killings of Palestinians and statements of blanket support for Israel by Imperial Leader Biden, there is some good news. Many Israelis are courageously denouncing Israeli apartheid and support for Palestinians has been growing fast around the world and in some unusual places.

American Progressives and France’s Surge to the Right

Macron’s newest orders banning demonstrations in solidarity with Palestine reveal even more clearly the real nature of France’s anti-Muslim campaign, one that the U.S. and French Left have with few exceptions mostly ignored.

The Legacy of the Paris Commune: 1871-2021

In March 1871, in the aftermath of France’s defeat in the Franco-Prussian War, ordinary Parisians rose up and took control of their city for themselves. Join a panel of authors on June 3 to discuss the enduring legacy of the great Paris Commune and its lessons for today.

After the tragedy of Conflans-Sainte-Honorine: anger, solidarity, and rejecting Islamophobia in France

In the wake of the horrific murder of a French high school teacher, President Emmanuel Macron is playing the Islamophobia card in hopes of distracting the country from his catastrophic failure to stem the tide of newly resurgent Covid-19.

Greece: Five Years After the Syriza Government and the Referendum

The wave of hope that emerged during those years was defeated by the retreat of workers’ struggle after the incredible climax of 2010-15 and the defeat of the left within the Syriza party by the coalition of forces united under the banner of staying in the Eurozone at any cost.

Lessons From Gezi Park

The experience of the 2013 Turkish uprising in Gezi Park opened possibilities for the rise of new Left in Turkey and offers lessons for the U.S. in the midst of its own anti-racists uprising

Belgium’s Colonial Crimes in the Congo: A Duty to Remember

Thanks to the Black Lives Matter mobilizations against racism in general, and racism against black people in particular, becoming an international phenomenon more and more people are seeking to know the truth about the dark past of the colonial powers and the continuation of neo-colonialism up to the present times.

From Passionate Uprising to Sustained Rebellion

The passionate uprising that began in Minneapolis after police murdered George Floyd quickly spread across the country and around the world, is now the biggest upheaval since 1968.

Notes on the Black Lives Matter Uprising in Historical and Global Context

The Black Lives Matter uprising in the USA, the working-class resistance to unsafe conditions in Italy, and the fight by Hong Kong youth against the repressive Chinese regime exemplify a new generation on the move for radical change.

Covid-19: Aiding the Socially Vulnerable & Preventing a Second Wave in the UK

Increasing the financial support available to migrants – including asylum seekers and those with insecure immigration status — would not only protect their lives but those of the wider public.

Anticapitalist strategy and the question of organization

No matter how much times passes, or how often history is declared to have ended, the debate over socialist strategy and organization always returns.

Left Politics after Sanders: Think Internationally, Historically and Dialectically

Not many leftists need convincing that Biden is uninspiring; but you can’t effectively fight this year’s lesser evil with some misty vision of a better political alternative in some indefinite future.

Self-Extinction of Neoliberalism? Don’t Bet on It.

Neoliberalism will not disappear by itself; we need class struggle.

Where to Begin? Growing Seeds of Liberation in a World Torn Asunder

What faces us in the post-COVID-19 world as we struggle to uproot capitalism and its malignant racism, sexism, heterosexism, and environmental destruction, both in theory and in practice?

The UK’s National Health Service, COVID-19, and the Price of Tory Austerity

One of the most astounding statistics to emerge from the escalating coronavirus pandemic is how the death rate from the virus in Germany is markedly lower than other countries.
As of March 26, 2020, Germany had recorded more than 35,000 COVID-19 . . .

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