Place: Middle East

Iran’s Presidential Election Puts Spotlight on Domestic Situation

In a poll conducted by Zamaneh in June 2024, Iranians  overwhelmingly said that the presidential election will not improve their lives.   69%  wanted a fundamental transformation of the political . . .

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Iran’s Hijab Law and Electoral Scrutiny

The Woman, Life Freedom Movement Will Not Bow

Gender issues are crucial in Iran’s presidential election, scheduled for June 28.

How Biden Mutated into a Dove

While this mutation is a tribute to the importance of the protest movement against the war in the United States, we cannot ignore its opportunistic and hypocritical nature.

How Israeli Universities Deny Palestinian Freedom

Review of Maya Wind’s new book, Towers of Ivory and Steel: How Israeli Universities Deny Palestinian Freedom

Open Letter from the Student Movement for Palestinian Liberation

We, the Student Movement for Palestinian Liberation, demand institutional accountability and immediate divestment from Israel and its genocide of the Palestinian people of Gaza.

Will they crush the biggest student movement since Vietnam?

In response to peaceful student anti-war protests against genocide, many school administrations have invited police onto campus for violent crackdowns.

No To Warmongering: Statement by a Group of Iranian Civil Rights Activists

We believe that in the current situation, saying “no to warmongering” is a necessary position both to reject the militarist structure of the Islamic Republic and to clearly delineate a stand against war and bloodshed in the region.

The coming Israeli attack on Iran

There is little doubt that Israel will respond to Iran’s launch of three hundred and twenty drones, cruise missiles, and ballistic missiles on its territory with a major attack on Iran, and this for several reasons.


The Surveillance State and the Color Line

John Clarke recommends Oliver Kearns’ book “The Covert Colour Line,” on racism as the foundation of US and British intelligence agencies.

Stand Against Genocide and Imperialism, from Palestine to Ukraine

Statement of the Ukraine Solidarity Network on the Second Anniversary of Russia’s Full-scale Invasion of Ukraine

Ukraine and Palestine are both cases of imperialism

Palestinian Resistance and the War in Gaza

An Interview with Toufic Haddad

What are the implications of the current war in Gaza for the future of Palestinian resistance?

The Political Context of the Crisis in Gaza

An Interview with Joel Beinin

Joel Beinin, Emeritus Professor at Stanford, discusses the politics of the Palestinian left and Hamas, and the US policies in Israel/Palestine.

On Martyrdom

Leela M. chronicles how Palestinians celebrate martyrdom out of a love of life and a love of people.

We Need Creative Measures Against the Genocidaires

Use all kinds of peaceful creative measures to embarrass, shame, inconvenience and bother the mass killers.

Gaza: A Ghastly Window into the Crisis of Global Capitalism

Gaza is a real-time alarm bell that genocide may become a political tool in the decades to come for resolving capital’s intractable contradiction between surplus capital and surplus humanity.

Historic Ruling by the International Court of Justice

The ruling against Israel at the International Court of Justice today is historic, notwithstanding that it fudged South Africa’s request for a provisional order for a ceasefire.

Yes, it’s a Genocide

Destruction of Palestine Tower on Oct 7. Source:

The ongoing suffering, displacement, and destruction in Gaza invoke a sense of urgency in labeling the situation for what it is, and for prompt investigation and adjudication, rather than waiting for a tragic culmination.

On Martyrdom

The meaning of martyrdom to Palestinians

Obstacles to Palestinian-Israeli Peace

Background on the Israel-Palestine crisis

A Letter from Afghanistan about Palestine & Israel

The people of Palestine have suffered from multiple oppressions for many years.  Their homeland was occupied.  They lost many of their youth.  Their intellectuals were exiled or killed.  Their children experienced war and explosions.  Women experienced the loss of their . . .

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The Political and Legal Underpinnings of the Palestine-Israel Conflict

The Israeli state has responded by bombing the Gaza Strip, in which Hamas has its headquarters and over 2.3 million civilians have their homes, starving inhabitants of food, water, medicines and fuel. But why did this happen? And what can be done about it?
