Place: Latin America

DSA’s Flawed International Outlook: The Appeal of the Mass Party and its Contradictions

There’s something contradictory in this position that needs to be pointed out. The parties that DSA has focused on weren’t always mass parties. Often, they began as just the kind of plebeian networks or far left grouplets that DSA eschews as irrelevant.

Social Explosion in Cuba: The Ignored Signals

In my opinion, there are two determining factors that have led to this moment of malaise. On the one hand, the inability of our rulers to channel a successful reform path…On the other hand, there is the ability of citizens to submit this incapacity to public judgment, which is something new.

From Cuba: A Description of the Protests

On Sunday 11 July, Cuba experienced a series of social outbreaks that encompassed at least six of the 14 provinces that make up the country. In the 62 years since the triumph of the revolution, Cuba had not faced a situation like this.

Call for the Release of Detainees in Cuba

The Comunistas blog calls for the release of Frank García Hernández and other leftists detained in Cuba for protesting against the government.

Ecological Imperialism and Jair Bolsonaro’s Agenda in Brazil

The case of Brazil under Bolsonaro helps to illustrate how authoritarian governments in the Global South see ecological concerns as impediments to capitalist growth.

Nicaragua: Ortega Arrests Opposition Candidates Ahead of November 2021 Election

We should reject the argument made by some on the left that we have to support the dictator Ortega and his government because the U.S. is now opposed to it.

DSA: Solidarity with the Venezuelan people or with the regime?

A pro-regime conference is not the way to show solidarity with the people of Venezuela.

Biden, Borders and the Fight for Migrant Rights

Join us for this online event on Sunday, April 25, 2pm ET/1pm CT/12pm MT/11am PT. Sponsored by: New Politics, puntorojo, Rampant, and Tempest.

One Hundred Years of the Russian NEP – Lessons for Cuba

The lesson of the Russian NEP is that economic liberalization does not necessarily signify the democratization of a country, and that it may be accompanied by the elimination of democracy.

U.S. Politics and the Financing of Political Groups in Cuba

Sam Farber contributes to the ongoing debates among Cuban critics, dissidents and oppositionists about U.S. financing of Cuban political groups.

Open Letter to Editors of Jacobin and Monthly Review

Scholars and activists respond to the spirited attacks by Jacobin and Monthly Review on Yaku Pérez, the indigenous candidate in Ecuador’s presidential election.

Latin America in the Time of COVID

Gonzalez examines the development of Latin American political economy and impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Western Imperialism and the Role of Sub-imperialism in the Global South

An examination of the significance of BRICS countries as “sub-imperial” powers in the context of global capitalism and imperialism.

Bolivia’s Elections

The Return of Democracy and an Uncertain Future

Bolivia has given the world an impressive lesson in democracy, but reactionary sectors of the country are once again revealing their anti-democratic impulse.

In Puerto Rico, the 2019 Uprising Produces an Electoral Opening Toward the Left

As the eyes of the world were fixated on the outcome of the U.S. presidential election, the U.S. colony of Puerto Rico produced a more satisfying and historic outcome for the left after its local election on Nov. 3, 2020.


How did Chavismo win 92% of the National Assembly?

The high abstention indicates that the working majority understood the irrelevance of the election. Voting could not have any impact on the disastrous national situation because the parliament had been de facto deprived of all its functions for several years.

Toussaint Louverture and the Haitian Revolution

“With this year’s worldwide renewal of the Black Lives Matter protests, readers could hardly ask for a better time to revisit the Haitian Revolution.” Review of Sudhir Hazareesingh, Black Spartacus: The Epic Life of Toussaint Louverture.

Left Advances in Brazil Bring Repression and Dirty Tricks

The movement to defeat Brazil’s right-wing authoritarian President Jair Bolsonaro made significant advances in the first round of local elections on Sunday, November 15, 2020.

Counter-historical Revolutionary: Dan La Botz’s “Trotsky in Tijuana”

Trotsky in Tijuana recognizes the importance of Trotsky’s revolutionary vision and leadership in the years before he was exiled from Russia. And it shows that the force of his commitment to the transformative power of the working class continued into the 1930s.

The Peru Power Grab

In Peru, democracy has been usurped. A political bloc made up of the most conservative and grotesque elements of traditional politics has in a completely capricious manner carried out the impeachment of the person who was only a few days go president of the republic: Martín Vizcarra.

Puerto Rico elections 2020

After 2019 uprising, a new socialist formation and new political party, change the electoral game

Any attempt to address the electoral issue in Puerto Rico from a socialist perspective must begin by pointing out the limits of the electoral process in the island.
