Place: Europe

Ukraine and the Dangers of Nuclear War

Should we oppose arms to Ukraine because of the risks of nuclear war?

Laurent Schwartz: The Vicissitudes of an Internationalist

The first of an occasional series of articles on the lives of figures of the French left.
For more than a decade, from 1936 to 1947, Laurent Schwartz (1915-2002), the famous mathematician, was a Trotskyist in France, though that was only one . . .

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Will the Real Fascists Please Stand Up?

Martin Oppenheimer discusses the corporatist character of historical fascism and the importance of a left alternative vision to counter fascist threats today.

Russia: An Imperialist Power or a “Non-Hegemonic Empire in Gestation”? A reply to the Argentinean economist Claudio Katz An Essay (with 8 Tables)

Since the year 2001 I have defended the thesis that Russia is an imperialist power.

The War on Ukraine

An Interview with a Ukrainian Socialist

A Ukrainian socialist activist discusses the Ukrainian resistance to the Russian invasion and the situation of the Ukrainian left.

Ukraine, Sanctions, and the Refugee Crisis

An interview with Khury Petersen-Smith

New Politics interviews scholar Khury Petersen-Smith about the war in Ukraine, the role of the US and NATO, the politics of sanctions, and protection of refugees.

The Italian Left and the War in Ukraine

Pietro Maestri discusses positions of various left groups in Italy regarding the war in Ukraine and calls for solidarity with the Ukrainian resistance.

Lenin, Ukraine, and the Amnesia of the “Anti-war Left”

Tom Dale discusses why the left should support Ukraine’s self-defense, based on Lenin’s analysis of imperialism.

Beyond Roe

Strategic Lessons in the Fight for Abortion Rights

Davison and Pospieszyńska discuss the struggles for abortion rights in Poland and Argentina, and their lessons for the US feminist movement.

“We Must Rebuild a Left-wing Student Union in Ukraine”: Interview with Ukrainian Student Activists

Ukrainian students: Maxim and Katya
Patrick Le Tréhondat of the Syllepse Publishing House collective conducted an interview with two Ukrainian university students, Katya and Maxim. Katya studies at the Academy of the Arts and Maxim is a computer science student. This . . .

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Ukraine Labor Law Reform Campaign

It is with dismay that we learn—right in the middle of their life-and-death struggle—that Ukraine’s working people have come under attack on a second front: laws attacking their labor rights and working conditions have been passing through the Ukrainian parliament.


It is urgent to end the war in Ukraine. But to achieve this goal,

Why the peace movement should support Ukraine

The Right to Resist: A Feminist Manifesto

We, feminists from Ukraine, call on feminists around the world to stand in solidarity with the resistance movement of the Ukrainian people against the predatory, imperialist war unleashed by the Russian Federation.

The Conquest of Ukraine and the History of Russian Imperialism

Historically, Russian imperialism has been based on the ideas of “amassing Russian lands” and building a “unique and indivisible” Russian state.

The Ukraine War Will End, But How?

The Ukraine war is a convergence of three wars: 1) Ukraine defending itself against the Russian invasion, 2) the inter-imperialist cold war between the US-led bloc of the established powers and the Russia-China bloc challenging them, and 3) the civil war between the Ukrainian government and Russian separatists.

DSA and the Russian War on Ukraine: Political Paralysis

Why is DSA in this anomalous position: A political organization with no useful position on the central foreign policy question of the day?

The War in Ukraine, International Security, and the Left

A Ukrainian socialist examines how the security of small states can be secured

Putin’s conquest of southeast Ukraine

Vexed questions of ‘negotiations’, gotcha moments and real imperial interests

Ukraine’s decisions should not be subject to the approval of either western imperialism or the western imperial left.

Report: International conference of European Solidarity with Ukraine

Report by an international delegate to a solidarity conference with Ukraine

When should we stop excusing the Russian invasion?

Ukraine, Self-determination, and the National Question

Clarifying left views on national self-determination and the war in Ukraine

Ukrainian Feminists under Western Eyes

Westerners need to understand the perspective of Ukrainian feminists.
