Place: Brazil

Brazil: End of the Nightmare?

In addition, Lula will be, like Dilma Rousseff, under the permanent threat of a “parliamentary coup.” 

Towards the Brown International of the European and Global Far Right?

Modi’s India, Putin’s Russia, Bolsonaro’s Brazil, Orban’s Hungary, and soon Giorgia Meloni’s Italy and maybe Trump II’s United States, the picture is far from being exhaustive but it still gives an idea of the seriousness of the threat that now hangs over humanity.

Will the Real Fascists Please Stand Up?

Martin Oppenheimer discusses the corporatist character of historical fascism and the importance of a left alternative vision to counter fascist threats today.

Brazil’s Wounded Reactionary

Bolsonaro’s failure to deliver on the economy and his atrocious response to the COVID-19 pandemic may be the main reasons why his approval rating, as of November, sits at 19%.

The IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report: A Green-Syndicalist Analysis

Since publication of its first assessment report in 1990, the IPCC has borne witness to the ever-worsening problem of anthropogenic climate disruption, together with what amounts to humanity’s suicidal failure to address the factors threatening collective destruction.

DSA’s Flawed International Outlook: The Appeal of the Mass Party and its Contradictions

There’s something contradictory in this position that needs to be pointed out. The parties that DSA has focused on weren’t always mass parties. Often, they began as just the kind of plebeian networks or far left grouplets that DSA eschews as irrelevant.

Ecological Imperialism and Jair Bolsonaro’s Agenda in Brazil

The case of Brazil under Bolsonaro helps to illustrate how authoritarian governments in the Global South see ecological concerns as impediments to capitalist growth.

Western Imperialism and the Role of Sub-imperialism in the Global South

An examination of the significance of BRICS countries as “sub-imperial” powers in the context of global capitalism and imperialism.

Left Advances in Brazil Bring Repression and Dirty Tricks

The movement to defeat Brazil’s right-wing authoritarian President Jair Bolsonaro made significant advances in the first round of local elections on Sunday, November 15, 2020.

Covid-19 and Resistance in Brazil: Life-Making, Memory, and Challenges in Seeding an Alternative Future

Capitalism is a death-making system. The pandemic reveals a chain of solidarity among essential life-making workers all across the world.

Walking the Tightrope: Latin America’s Pink Tide

A review essay on Steve Ellner’s collection on the Latin American turn to the left.

Cuban Doctors Abroad – Appearances and Realities

It is important to bring out lesser known aspects of the Cuban doctors abroad program that expose the Cuban state’s undemocratic character and the impact that this has on the Cuban people.

Where to Begin? Growing Seeds of Liberation in a World Torn Asunder

What faces us in the post-COVID-19 world as we struggle to uproot capitalism and its malignant racism, sexism, heterosexism, and environmental destruction, both in theory and in practice?

COVID-19 in the Age of Bolsonaro

As of April 14, 2020, Brazil has had 23,955 cases of COVID-19, including 1,361 deaths and rising daily mortality rates.1 And that is with only around 11 percent of total cases diagnosed, estimates the Center for Mathematical Modeling of Infectious . . .

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Fighting back is the only way out of Bolsonaro’s Brazil

Brazil dominates Latin America’s economy. And although the coup in Bolivia, uprisings in Chile, Ecuador, and Columbia, Trump’s threats against Iran, Australian megafires, mass strikes in India and France, anti-government protests in Lebanon, and the British elections have pushed Brazil . . .

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Who’s Who in Latin America’s Upheaval

Latin America is experiencing an abrupt change generated by enormous confrontations between the dispossessed and the privileged. This confrontation includes both revolts by the people and reactions by the oppressors.
The October Revolts
The uprising in Chile is the most important event . . .

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How the Youth-Led Climate Strikes Became a Global Mass Movement

The Global Climate Strike is the result of a whole new generation taking bold action and could be the turning point for grassroots resistance to fossil fuels.

The Amazon Burns and the Politics of Death: Resisting the Commodification of Our Future

The Bolsonaro administration is allowing the Amazon to burn as part of a project to accelerate capital accumulation, but is meeting massive resistance both at home and abroad.

Brazil: Success of the General Strike of June 14

In a week of intense political polarization, the movements of the working class, youth and the oppressed again held a strong national demonstration, in continuity with the expressive acts of 15 May and 30 May. There were stoppages in more . . .

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On Being An Organizer

There prevailed among the twentieth-century left a barbarous tradition of settling political differences by use of the most monstrous methods. The worst aberrations were the aggressions that Stalinism naturalized. But those who suffered the most from this violence were not . . .

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MST Open Letter on Brazil Election


Comrades and Friends of MST () around the World,

We would like to share some of our views on this delicate moment of Brazilian politics in the last week of the election campaign:
